Page 5 of Sheikh's Fake Fiancee
“Please, if you need to help keep her warm till you get to the coat check, take this.”
Jennifer shook her head. “I couldn’t!”
“I have a hundred more just like it,” he said, fishing into his pocket and pulling out a business card. “Call this and mention The Wild Orchid. I’ll let my secretary know to patch you directly through. I’d love to see you again. I had a great night, until now,” he said, eyeing her sister whose teeth were now chattering loudly. Something icy seized around his heart. None of that was normal, and something deep down in his bones told him that this wasn’t just the flu. “Please.”
Jennifer hesitated and bit her lower lip.
It was the brunette who grabbed his card. “Oh please, Jen. You so need to be braver. You should be glad I’ll jump for you,” she said. “She’d love to. Now,” she said, turning her attention back to the youngest woman. “Come on, Syd, let’s get you home.”
His Goldilocks frowned back at him. “I…have a good night, Bahan.”
He leaned over and kissed the back of her hand. “I’ll see you soon, Jennifer.”
Bahan understood that she’d had to run home. He knew by seeing Sydney that Jennifer’s sister had appeared like death warmed over. Sometimes, he’d had people just make transparent excuses or run off lamely. Not often, but in high school, one duchess had been extremely rude. This was different, and he fervently hoped that her little sister was going to recover soon. Still, he’d had his blood pounding and grown excited while dancing with his Goldilocks. He needed some release before bed, since circumstances had foiled the plans he’d been banking on.
The shower blasted over his skin, as hot as he dared, making his skin turn red. He needed that, needed something around him to feel as heated as his blood did. It was as if lava had replaced the regular liquid in his veins. His manhood was already turgid, raised into a fearsome erection. All he needed was a good bit of release before bed.
Closing his eyes, he imagined Jennifer as she’d been tonight, saw the way the tight red dress had ridden up on her delectable thighs and dipped low over her bountiful cleavage. He remembered the smell of her, that scent of roses that seemed to cling to her, as well as the heat of her body. He remembered the smooth, silky feel of her dress against his palms and the thick, wavy heft of her golden hair.
Everything about her turned him on, made that lava flow even more fiercely through his veins. Keeping his eyes closed even tighter, he began to stroke his hardness to build up the friction that might final bring him some contentment and peace. At least for tonight. Bahan knew that he’d never truly feel satisfied until he felt her soft, sweet body under him. Felt the heat of her around his length.
His rhythm intensified. He used his other hand to tightly grip the bar in the shower. It was unwise, but at least it was something to help keep him upright. His knees were going weak beneath him as he imagined what it would feel like to have Jennifer, to have her delicate hands lathered up with bodywash and stroking his member. This was a weak imitation, but it was all he had. He knew her fingers would be skillful, and that her very touch would set him on the edge of release. The shower would be filled with the aromatic hint of roses, something that would tickle his nose even as she tickled other things.
His blood felt hotter than lava, felt like it had gone supernova, as if a star’s heat were trapped in his veins. Bahan felt it then, that pressure building, and then the blissful release as he shattered apart and his seed spilled from him, splashing against the tile of the shower and washing down the drain shortly after. It took a while for him to trust himself to walk out of the shower without falling to the floor, but at least his erection was gone for now.
He didn’t trust himself not to need another session later in the night.
His Goldilocks had invaded his mind and his thoughts so thoroughly, had enchanted him as surely as any sorceress in an ancient fairy tale.
“Oh Jennifer,” he said, as he grabbed his towel and cleaned himself off. “You will be mine, Goldilocks. Oh yes, you will be mine.”
Chapter Three
“You need to eat more,” she said, shoving the plate of poached eggs and oatmeal back over the table and towards her sister.
Sydney glared back at her and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t need the full-mom press. I’m fine. If I wanted to be hassled, I could get on the train back to Kentucky.”
“You won’t now, and you know it. Mom’s way stricter. She’d have you bundled up in bed under about eight comforters and eating nothing but chicken soup to chase this cold away,” Jennifer finished. Although she didn’t believe it was just a cold. Her sister wasn’t doing well with her diabetes. Though she’d been able to manage it well even through high school, her blood sugar had been rising lately. She’d been having fainting spells. Jennifer wildly hoped this wasn’t another sign of something more. “You’re lucky to have me, but you do need to at least have more than two spoons of oatmeal.”
Sydney narrowed her eyes back at her. “I don’t need to be babied. I felt faint. I’m still woozy but my back doesn’t hurt at all. I guess I just pushed it too hard dancing. It’s not a big deal. I’m really not feeling oatmeal this morning.”
“You say that now, but it is the kind with apples.”
“You meant to say the kind with like freeze-dried apple pellets that replump because of the billion preservatives in it!”
“Well I didn’t have the slow-cook kind and this was dietetic. It has the apples but no sugars added.”
“It’s all still not my thing, sis.”
“You just have to take care of yourself better.”
Sydney shook her head and took back the plate. So far, as she talked, her sister only managed to stir the oatmeal around, but she did at least have it in front of her again as an option. “Maybe I could say that about you too.”
“Rose left the card from that hottie you were dancing with last night. I mean, what a nice guy. The shirt he let me have really did help with the shivering and the goose bumps. And he was freaking handsome. If Mr. Tall, Dark, and Mysterious wanted a second date with me, I’d have called by now. I’d have left a voice mail at like six in the morning!”