Page 29 of Curse of the Asuune
When it was Mark’s turn Agnus was mentally exhausted from arguing and trying to explain things like why a human resource manager was of little use to their little town. Mark sat down and Agnus said in a frustrated and tired voice. “What should I call you?”
“Mark,” Mark replied meekly.
“And what did you use to do?” Agnus asked dryly while making some comments on her clipboard.
“I was a computer programmer, but Sarah...” Mark tried to give Agnus the message from Sarah and was quickly cut off.
“Before you ask a million questions let me stop you there,” Agnus began. “Sarah explained the one for one concept?” Agnus asked and Mark nodded so Agnus continued. “Ok then, you are not Sarah’s one, Sarah already knows who her one is and you’re not it. Since Sarah is not here and she usually does most of this, I’m winging it. I’m not sure why she picked you, what skills she saw in you but until she comes back you will be assigned to help an expert in some field. When you finally find something that you’re good at we’ll talk again. Charles…” Agnus motioned for Charles and he walked over and handed Mark some bedding before trying to usher him out.
“But…” Mark tried to relay Sarah’s message but Agnus just waved her hand at him.
“You’ll find out it’s not so bad,” Agnus said, was done with interviews and wanted no more of Mark.
“Wait,” Mark said struggling against Charles. The large man found it strange that a new recruit was able to struggle against him so effectively and gave Mark a curious look. “Sarah had a message for you.” Mark blurted out.
“It’s ok,” Agnus said as she motioned for Mark to come back. “What was the message?” Agnus was still patronizing but figured it was the fastest way to be done with this.
“She said she had to go to Europe to find out how Sariel knew about Jen and how he knew that Sarah had taken me to that hotel and what room we were in.” Mark waited patiently for a response.
Agnus’s eyes lit up. “Oh you’re Sarah’s Mark?!”
“What?” Mark asked not quite sure what Agnus meant by that.
“I mean Jen’s Mark,” Agnus quickly recovered. “I’m very sorry for your loss.” Then Mark saw anger across the woman’s face as she turned her gaze to Charles. “My brother better hope Sarah can keep her vow. He’s just lucky she is as repentant as she is. A lesser woman, me for example, might just forsake my vow and rip his freaking head off.” Agnus turned back and addressed Mark again. “He’s just darn lucky you weren’t killed also or I don’t think Sarah’s vow would stop her. I mean if he had killed Charles…” Charles put his hand on Agnus’s shoulder.
“Calm down dear, I’m fine, Mark’s fine, and I’m sure Sarah will be fine. She just went to find out information. Mark’s here, she won’t be doing anything stupid,” Charles assured her.
Mark felt like he was missing something but he couldn’t quite figure out what. Mark got the impression that Charles and Agnus were partners but beyond that he had no idea why him being there meant that Sarah would be back. Was he that important to their cause? What made him so special? Sarah acted like she had been waiting for him a long time. What was he supposed to do, a computer programmer, fighting a war against vampires?
“You won’t be needing these,” Agnus said as she took the bedding from Mark. “Sarah has a house all ready for you and…I’m so sorry.” Agnus looked depressed again.
“It’s ok, for me and Jen, right?” Mark asked trying to help.
“Yes, and…” Agnus’s face suddenly looked frightened. “Where’s Katie?!”
“Sarah sent her to live with some friends of hers. She felt Katie needed to be away from all of this until it was safer for her. I now realize that she was right.” Mark didn’t want to go into details about how Katie thought he had killed Jen nor how much he hated the idea, even if Sarah had done the right thing.
“I’m so sorry, I guess when you love someone that much the sacrifice is worth it,” Agnus said sounding disheartened. “I had a child once, if only I had Sarah to help me, maybe he might still be alive.”
“We’ll give you some time, once all the adrenaline and confusion wears off you may find the grief hard to deal with. Your job will be waiting for you when you’re ready for it,” Charles said with pity in his eyes.
“I’m sorry for your loss, I don’t know what I would do if something bad would happen to Katie too,” Mark said staring at Charles.
“The child was not mine,” Charles started to explain and Agnus put her hand on his.
“Back when I thought I was human I was forced to marry another Nephilim. We did our duty and had a child even though we knew we didn’t love each other. That was the way things were done back then. When the vampires came and killed my son and husband, Sarah saved me. I didn’t want to go on but somehow she helped me get through it. Centuries later I finally found Charles.” Agnus looked up at Charles with adoration then turned back to Mark. “My point is, as bad as it gets, it will get better. You still have Katie.”