Page 33 of Curse of the Asuune
“Yes,” Sarah replied, then waited for the next question. She knew Mark very well, it might take him a moment but more questions would come.
“So…I’m not part of your blood line…do I have siblings out there somewhere? What does this mean? What am I?” Mark asked.
“Slow it down there, cutie,” Sarah said trying to calm Mark. She put her hand on his shoulder but this only turned his confusion into anxiety. “You are just a little more…angel than the rest of us. So you might have a few extra abilities. And no you have no siblings. Michael has never had a child before and probably never will again.”
Mark sat there for a minute thinking about being the son of Michael. It took him a few minutes but he had more questions eventually.
“So, does this mean I’m not the same as you? Do I need to go on some special mission or something? What exactly is expected of me?” Mark asked fearing the answers.
“No, cutie, you are welcome to stay here and be boring with the rest of us.” Sarah’s smile and silly joke made Mark feel more at ease. The longing for her returned and blocked out the confusion about his purpose.
“Some of us are less boring than the rest of us.” Agnus had another disapproving look for Sarah.
“I needed to find out who it was and how they got to Jen before I even knew about it,” Sarah explained.
Mark had gotten used to hearing Jen’s name. It didn’t hurt as bad as it once did and with Sarah being the one saying it, he barely noticed.
Agnus’s wheels were turning again as she stared at Mark. He panicked, she was going to ruin this. If Sarah found out how he really felt about her she would change. She might quit calling him cutie, a nickname he had longed to hear when she was gone. She would probably quit touching him, hugging him. He couldn’t take that. He needed to do something to throw Agnus off the trail. Luckily, Sarah saved him instead.
“So, where was I?” Sarah asked rhetorically as she turned around and put her finger to her chin. “Oh yes, I found out that Sariel had come back to America so I chased him. I finally caught up to him and being as arrogant as Sariel is he told me what his plan was.” Sarah looked at Agnus and Agnus nodded her head. She apparently knew Sariel as well.
“Well…” Agnus prodded. Sarah had a knack for drama. She was apparently driving Agnus crazy.
“So, long ago Asuune used to rule over humans. They posed as gods, in Egypt, Rome, the Norse Gods. Any time you read about a powerful mythical creature it was probably an Asuune using their abilities to subjugate humans.” Sarah continued.
Apparently she was going too slowly for Agnus because Agnus interrupted again. “Go on…you’re killing me here.”
Sarah laughed and Mark’s stomach swayed. Agnus again gave Mark a curious look. She was going to figure it out, Agnus was smart. Sarah’s laugh, her proximity to him, all of it made him feel like he was going to explode or at least end up kissing Sarah.
“So, many of the Asuune want this again. They are taking out anyone who would oppose them and taking over many large companies. They thought Mark here…” Sarah motioned to Mark with far too much showmanship. “Was going to help them accomplish this. His parentage would give them a symbol to rally the support they needed.”
“You stopped that, so what is he going to do?” Agnus was no longer paying attention to Mark and listening carefully to Sarah.
“He said it didn’t change anything. That I’d better keep Mark well-hidden because he has a price on his head now. Sariel still plans on accomplishing this without Mark.” Sarah’s voice had lost its giddiness.
“Well that’s just great!” Agnus exclaimed.
As they all sat there thinking about Sariel’s plans Mark couldn’t stop looking at Sarah. He wanted to be near her, hold her and Agnus was watching. Mark had to think of something quick, Agnus was going to figure this out if he kept this up.
“So, Sarah, Charles and I were going to barbeque for Agnus tonight.” Mark put his hand on Charles shoulder. “We could throw on another steak or maybe some brats? If that’s ok with you Agnus?” Mark smiled at Agnus.
This seemed to dissuade Agnus from thinking about Mark’s reactions to Sarah, at least for the time being. Mark had done it, he could act normally, even if he was more chipper than before Sarah had returned.
“Sure,” Agnus said. “I was just thinking the same thing.”
A few hours later the four of them were enjoying a quiet barbeque out on Charles and Agnus’ back porch. Mark had prepared himself and tried not to dote too much on Sarah. He spoke to Agnus often and even spoke to Charles about helping with the new houses he was constructing on the south end of town. Mark was very pleased with himself. Through the whole night he tried to use math to help him show Agnus that he was just his normal self, and like everyone else, just happy to have Sarah back. He used a formula for how often he should address Sarah. For every two times he spoke to Agnus or every one time with Charles he could say something to Sarah. This would give the appearance of casual conversation when in reality all he wanted to do was hear everything Sarah had done in the years since he saw her last. With the replies to people’s questions and responses to general queries, he thought it would appear just random enough that Agnus would be convinced.