Page 46 of Curse of the Asuune
“Fine, I guess I do have your daughter in here. I can’t keep you from seeing her,” Sarah conceded.
“Thank you,” Mark said as he opened the door.
Sarah was still in the same ratty, beat up and burned clothing she had worn when he brought her back. Kathrine woke when she heard her father’s voice. The bandage on her right side looked new, Agnus must have changed it in the middle of the night.
“Are you two ok?” Mark asked. He knew what he wanted to say to Sarah but Kathrine was here.
“I’m good,” they both replied nearly at the same time, though Sarah’s was spiteful and Kathrine’s was cheery.
“That’s good,” Mark said nervously then sat in the chair beside Kathrine.
“Oh, geez guys. Are you in grade school?” Kathrine blurted out.
Mark and Sarah both looked at each other.
“Fine, I’m gonna go see our new home. You two grow some balls and talk to each other. I mean geez, it can’t be that hard to talk to each other. You were best friends for my whole life,” Kathrine said as she made her way toward Sarah.
“Glad you’re back, Aunt Sarah,” Kathrine said as she kissed Sarah on the cheek.
“Glad you’re back too, Katie,” Sarah replied.
“I prefer Kathrine.” She scolded.
“Ok, Kathrine. Jen’s little girl is all grown up.” Sarah smiled as Kathrine made her way to her dad. Kathrine kissed him on the cheek as well then headed for the door.
“If I hear fighting I’m coming back to kick your asses,” Kathrine said as she closed the door. Quickly it flew back open. “Why do I suddenly feel like the only adult here?” She then closed the door again and was gone.
Mark sat trying not to look at Sarah for a few minutes hoping she would start. When he glanced at her he saw she was angry so he mustered his courage and tried to explain.
“Sarah…” Mark tried but the words wouldn’t come out. “I’m sorry, I’m an idiot.”
“You’re sorry you’re an idiot? That’s what you wanted to talk to me about? Being an idiot? I could have saved you the trouble. I already know you’re an idiot.” Sarah crossed her legs then her arms. She was really pissed.
“I should have told you this sooner…” Mark stumbled again.
Sarah lost her cool. She stood up and walked determinedly toward Mark. She picked him up by the collar of his shirt and started yelling.
“You robbed me of my judgment! All I wanted was a chance to end this! I can’t take it anymore! I’m not going to go around pining for someone I just can’t have! Not anymore!” Sarah threw Mark back on the couch. “And who do you think you are saving me? I didn’t ask to be saved, didn’t want to be saved. You arrogant bastard!” Sarah continued.
Mark stood up. He needed to tell her. He would never get another chance. Why was he so timid around Sarah?
“I love you!” Mark shouted and Sarah’s ranting stopped.
At first she thought she had misheard him. Then she thought it was a cruel joke or some attempt to placate her. She got angry again.
“So, what?! I’m just supposed to follow you around like a lost puppy while you give me pity hugs and pretend that you are happy with me. You don’t get it!” Sarah’s voice was getting louder and tears started forming in her eyes. “You are my Jen! I didn’t want this! I didn’t ask for this! I’m not going to be someone’s second choice! I’d sooner die than live the rest of my life feeling like this!” Sarah turned around and kicked the coffee table, it flew across the room and shattered against the wall.
“I’m not being patronizing. I really love you,” Mark tried to explain.
“That’s not possible!” Sarah was still yelling at the top of her lungs.
“You said yourself, that I’m special, I’m different!” Mark was now yelling too.
“So, what?! That has nothing to do with this!” Sarah was quieter, still loud but quieter than before. Sarah tried to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming. She had held this in for too long.
“You and Jen, you are the same. To me, I mean.” He wasn’t explaining it very well but Sarah was calming down.
“What do you mean the same?” Sarah asked, she was still crying but no longer yelling.
The door flew open and Kathrine was standing in the doorway.
“The yelling stopped, I just wanted to make sure that you two hadn’t killed each other,” Kathrine snickered. Behind Kathrine was Agnus peering over her shoulder.
“You guys ok?” Agnus asked.
“We’re fine,” Sarah snarled wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Good, now why don’t you two just hug or something,” Kathrine said.
“Yeah, go have sex and get this over with,” Agnus added.
“Ewww,” Kathrine sneered. Now she was acting like a kid but the mental picture of her father having sex with her aunt slash soon to be step-mom was not something she wanted in her head.
“You guys seem better at least,” Kathrine said as she slowly closed the door. “We’ll be right outside.”