Page 60 of Curse of the Asuune
Sarah stood there staring at Kathrine. Was she that shocked that Kathrine had called her mom? It wasn’t that shocking. Sarah had referred to her as daughter. Then Kathrine realized it wasn’t just the mom thing. Kathrine was so frantic to save this woman that her fangs had come out. She could taste the blood on her lips where her fangs had cut into them. When Kathrine raised her hands she realized that she had claws coming out instead of finger nails.
Hailey sat up, the convulsions had stopped for the moment. She brushed her once beautiful hair out of her eyes and looked at Sarah. The woman looked a mess. Her hair had the consistency of straw and was nearly the color of it. Her face was pale and stuck to her bones like plastic wrap and she was drenched in sweat.
“Ceralin please, you are the only one who can help me,” Hailey said as she winced and gritted her teeth. Another convulsion started and she was thrown on her back.
“I think it’s withdrawals,” Agnus said, finally arriving. “I’ve read about it. Kathrine!?” Agnus also had no words when she saw Kathrine.
“It is withdrawals,” Sarah announced. She bent down and put her hand behind Hailey’s head. “You’re lucky Kathrine found you first!” Then she stood up and let Hailey’s head hit the ground hard. “She isn’t even very far along yet, she can still speak.”
Kathrine had never seen this side of Sarah, Sarah would have killed this woman. Whatever this woman did was very bad.
“She doesn’t smell evil,” Kathrine added, hoping to convince Sarah to help.
“You might not be able to smell it, but she’s evil.” Sarah started walking off. She wanted nothing to do with this and she wasn’t helping this woman.
“What do I do with her?” Agnus asked.
“Put her in one of the cages and let her suffer it out,” Sarah snapped and continued walking.
“She’ll die! She has information!” Kathrine pleaded.
“Fine, I’ll come by in an hour or two when I cool off. She’ll live til then.” Sarah loathed this woman but she would help her if it made Kathrine happy.
“You need to talk to Sarah about this,” Agnus said waving her hand at Kathrine’s hands and face. “Grab her and follow me.”
Chapter 25
It was almost three hours before Sarah finally arrived. Hailey was in and out of consciousness for most of the time. She spoke only a few words here and there but none of them made any sense.
The cell Hailey was in was made for Asuune. It had six inch thick bars, the floor and ceiling also looked like they were made of thick steel. The metal of the ceiling was topped with a large slab of cement that went down around the back side. It also looked like the bars in back were half way inside the cement wall. This was a formidable prison, Kathrine doubted anyone could get out of there, maybe Sarah, but then again maybe not even her.
“First step,” Sarah announced as she brought a glass of a sick smelling liquid to the woman.
“What is that?!” Kathrine exclaimed. To her surprise no one had even winced at the smell but her.
“It’s human blood mixed with cow’s blood,” Agnus replied.
“Human blood? Man, it smells like sewage.” Kathrine held her nose.
“Only to you sweetie,” Sarah said kindly. Her face turned cruel again as she looked at Hailey and thrust the glass at her. “Drink this, you can’t go cold turkey, it will kill you. Kathrine doesn’t want you dead yet.” Sarah looked scary, her fangs weren’t visible this time but she still looked like she would rather kill this woman than help her.
Hailey drank it quickly and her muscles seemed to relax.
“Elyon is in America. He is looking for me and he is helping Azazel.” Hailey fell backward on the floor after delivering her message.
Sarah paced angrily and threw the cup over toward the sink. The cup shattered against the wall and glass flew everywhere.
“Sorry Agnus, I’m not sure what I’m doing,” Sarah apologized.
“It’s ok, I’ll clean it up. You need to talk to Kathrine.” Agnus quickly walked over to the sink and started picking up the shards of blood covered glass.
“Talk about what?” Kathrine asked.
“Castriana will be out for hours. I will need to slowly ween her off the blood and start substituting it for animal blood until she can eventually quit. This will take weeks, the first of which she will barely be awake. You aren’t going to get any answers from her for a while but I think I know what her message was.” Sarah was calming down.
“Tell me, please,” Kathrine begged.
“Tell her Sarah,” Agnus pushed.
“Fine,” Sarah said annoyed. “Elyon is another old Asuune, Abaddon’s son. Twice as smart as Sariel, and one hundred times more cruel. He had no interest in this war. He kept to his tiny world where he could torture humans without anyone bothering him. If he is in America, and with Azazel, then something has changed.”
“But if he is with Azazel…” Kathrine didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Don’t worry about Paul. Paul can handle Elyon.” Sarah laughed.