Page 72 of Curse of the Asuune
Hailey fidgeted a little as Kathrine sat down. She seemed nervous now. Was she regretting that she had said she would listen? Kathrine put her hand on Hailey’s leg.
“You don’t have to listen,” Kathrine said trying to ease Hailey’s anxiousness.
“No, go ahead. I’m fine,” Hailey replied but Kathrine could still see her anxiety. Something was wrong with Hailey but she had said she was ready to listen so Kathrine started to explain.
“Well…” Kathrine paused, clasped her hands together in her lap and prepared to open the flood gates of her frustration. “Paul is supposedly my ‘one’,” she said using finger quotes. She hated finger quotes but this word was really annoying to her at the moment. “but he doesn’t want to see me. Heck, he barely speaks to me and when he does I can’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to kiss him. I mean, jeez, what kind of person am I?” Kathrine wasn’t looking for a response and somehow in the back of her mind she was glad Hailey was a woman. A man would have responded. “I mean, seriously, all I can think about is having sex with him. I dream about it. He touches me and my legs nearly fall out from under me. What the hell is wrong with me?! I think I’m going insane. Plus, he is the most frustrating man I have ever met.” Kathrine paused and Hailey was silent. Kathrine almost expected a caring touch or something but Hailey seemed afraid to get too close for some reason.
“Are you having trouble with the urges?” Kathrine asked looking at Hailey.
“Urges?! What urges?!” Hailey’s nervousness went into full panic. It seemed excessive but Kathrine had nothing to compare it to.
“The blood. I’m sure it must be hard staying in a hotel full of humans. I bet this room even smells like humans,” Kathrine replied.
“Umm, yes. It’s very difficult. I sometimes catch myself staring. Then I have to force myself to walk by. I’m glad you are here though. If I do anything you will stop me.” Hailey wasn’t asking, she was sure that Kathrine would stop her.
“You listened to me so I’ll watch your back,” Kathrine smiled and then put her hand on Hailey’s shoulder.
Hailey jumped off the bed like she had been shocked.
“What’s wrong?” Kathrine asked. “Is it that bad? I thought you were over the withdrawals.”
“It comes and goes,” Hailey replied but somehow Kathrine knew she was lying or hiding something. Something was wrong with Hailey and it wasn’t the blood. Kathrine decided to finish with her problems before she got into Hailey’s. Perhaps, given time, Hailey might confide in her willingly.
“Paul thinks I’m too weak to handle his life. I’m not sure if it’s an excuse or if he just thinks I’m some kind of prissy girl. One minute he’s fighting me to prove how bad I am and the next he’s…” Kathrine raised her eyebrows and motioned with her eyes at her lap several times. Hailey’s face turned red so apparently she understood the gesture or at least had a good idea. “I’m just not sure what to think and Paul isn’t going to say anything about it. He just keeps saying ‘you’re not ready’.” Kathrine was now mimicking Paul with a high whiney voice which made Hailey laugh. Then it hit Kathrine, Hailey laughed! She couldn’t remember ever hearing Hailey laugh before. Maybe Hailey was warming up to her. Kathrine decided that now that she was done it was Hailey’s turn.
Kathrine stood up and walked over to Hailey. She placed one hand on each shoulder and looked kindly at her. “Now, your turn.”
Hailey put her hands one on either side of Kathrine’s head and pulled her face closer to hers. Gently she placed her lips on top of Kathrine’s. At first Kathrine had a sudden urge to back away but the kiss was so gentle and caring that she couldn’t resist. Hailey’s lips were soft and warm. Kathrine soon found herself kissing Hailey back. Kathrine’s hands left Hailey’s shoulders and moved to her back where they caressed her gently. This was different than Paul. Paul had been sexual desire, need and lust. This was emotional and caring. Suddenly Hailey pulled away.
“Shit! Shit! I’m so fucking stupid!” Hailey cursed herself as she slammed her fist into the table beside them and it shattered.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” Kathrine was frantic. The kiss was so pleasant and welcoming. She wanted to keep kissing Hailey. What could she possibly have done wrong?
“No! I did!” Hailey paced angrily, trying to decide what to do.
“Believe me, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Kathrine smirked. “That was wonderful. You’re an amazing kisser.”
“It’s a sin! Stupid! Stupid!” Hailey verbally berated herself while smacking herself in the head.
Kathrine walked over and caught Hailey’s hand.
“Please don’t hurt yourself. There’s nothing wrong with it.” Kathrine kissed Hailey’s hand gently.
Hailey tore her hand out of Kathrine’s grip and threw herself on the bed.
“Please stop! It’s wrong! I don’t want to corrupt you with my depravity!” Hailey was still yelling, though Kathrine could see the tears forming on the edge of her eyes.