Page 74 of Curse of the Asuune
“Dang, you are getting quite powerful. I’m so much older than you and I think you hear and smell better than I do already.” Hailey complimented her without getting embarrassed or turning away. Kathrine was making progress with her. Kathrine wasn’t sure what to say, she didn’t want Hailey to react badly but she really wanted to say something nice to Hailey.
“I hope I’m getting better. I still feel like I have a long way to go.” Kathrine picked the middle road, acknowledging what Hailey said without complimenting her back. Her friendship with Hailey was changing quickly and she didn’t want to jeopardize all the progress she had made. “Want to come with me? I’m just gonna look around. No fighting, I promise.”
“I suppose,” Hailey smirked. Kathrine wasn’t sure if the look was flirting but it sure seemed like it.
Kathrine and Hailey soon arrived at the restaurant and snuck around to the back alley. There didn’t appear to be anyone around, perhaps they were early? Kathrine decided to find a good spot to hide while they waited. There were many dumpsters and little else in the narrow alley.
“Well,” Kathrine sighed. “This is not a good place to spy from.” She put her hands on her hips and looked at Hailey. Hailey was staring up in the air. Kathrine followed Hailey’s gaze up to the balcony that was protruding from a third story window. “Oh, you’re good.”
“Getting up there is another thing,” Hailey said copying Kathrine’s stance.
“Well, umm…I think we can climb that,” Kathrine said pointing at a thick water pipe that went up the outside wall.
“Why not?” Hailey agreed.
The two women gracefully climbed the pipe up to the balcony and hid.
“I really wish I had brought a watch or phone or something. It’s gotta be close to one by now,” Kathrine stated.
Just as she said that someone made a noise in the alley below them. They peeked over the edge to see a nervous looking man dragging a frightened girl. Ahead of the man Kathrine saw the hooded man going around the corner.
“Did you see him?” Kathrine asked quietly.
“Who? The guy with the girl?” Hailey replied.
“No…never mind.” Maybe it was all in Kathrine’s head, how could Hailey have missed him? He had been right there in plain sight.
“Go faster, he’s coming,” the man hissed at the little girl.
The man picked up the girl and started running. A few moments later Paul came sprinting through the alley. The man pushed a dumpster in the way and Paul crashed into it. The dumpster smashed into the wall beneath their balcony and Kathrine thought for sure the balcony was going to fall. Paul was determined to catch this man. When Paul caught up to the man he grabbed him by the throat and the girl fell to the ground. Paul tossed the man against the wall and the thud echoed. Kathrine couldn’t believe her eyes. Paul had just killed the man without a second thought. He then bent down and picked up the girl with one arm and ran off.
“What the hell was that?” Kathrine whispered. She was confused and furious. Paul had killed a human right in front of her.
“We don’t know what’s going on. Don’t jump to ….” Hailey’s voice trailed off and she looked mesmerized.
“Oh shit!” Kathrine exclaimed as she realized that the dead man below them was bleeding everywhere. The scent was sickening to Kathrine but not to Hailey. Kathrine caught Hailey as she was about to jump to the man’s body. Hailey looked evil and for a second Kathrine was a little afraid. Hailey was strong, either her age or the desire for blood was making it nearly impossible for Kathrine to hold her back.
“Hailey!” Kathrine yelled but Hailey wasn’t listening. Kathrine punched Hailey in the face. The blow finally got her attention and Kathrine was able to pick her up and jump over the ledge away from the dead man. The proximity to the blood caused Hailey to be enthralled again but Kathrine had her locked in her arms, there was no way Hailey was getting free. Kathrine ran several blocks before Hailey was back to herself. The last few blocks before they got back to the hotel they didn’t speak.
“Thank you,” Hailey said when they got back to their hotel room. She sounded sad again. Hailey headed to the couch and sat down. She had her head in her hands and for a second Kathrine thought she might be crying.
“What’s wrong?” Kathrine asked as she sat next to her.
“I still can’t handle blood. I’m useless and you didn’t even get to find out what they were up to. Next time you should go alone.” Hailey’s voice was slightly muffled by her hands.
Kathrine sat down beside Hailey and put her arm around her.
“It will get better. At least that’s what Sarah says. It will never go away but you learn to handle it I guess.” Kathrine laid her head on Hailey’s shoulder. “Without you I would have gone after Paul to kick his ass. Well, tried to at least. Who knows what trouble I would have gotten into?” Kathrine laughed.
“I guess,” Hailey accepted. She still hadn’t taken her head out of her hands so Kathrine stood up and kneeled in front of her. She put her hands on Hailey’s cheeks and raised it to look her in the eyes. “You will get better at it. Don’t give up. The hardest part is behind you.”