Page 79 of Curse of the Asuune
Kathrine turned around to see Elyon standing on top of a box in front of her. Kelly and Hailey were on the floor with their hands handcuffed behind their backs. Two vampires rushed from her sides and she was not ready for them. They caught her wrists, each with their own handcuffs and then forced her arms behind her to close them both.
“Don’t want to take any chances with you,” Elyon laughed. He had apparent heard about Kathrine. She doubted she could have broken one set of handcuffs, let alone two. The stories about her, it seemed, were growing.
“What do you want?” Kathrine growled while testing the strength of the handcuffs. They were solid steel, she guessed. Even so, she heard the soft groan of the metal as she struggled against them. Maybe she had underestimated herself. Perhaps Elyon should have used three or maybe something stronger than handcuffs. Kathrine smiled to herself, Elyon didn’t know who he was messing with.
That was when Kathrine finally understood what had been nagging her. She had subconsciously picked up on John’s agitation and anxiety. John was standing in front of Elyon without handcuffs. He was kneeling and had his hands out.
“You’ve proven yourself, John. He will reward you,” Elyon praised. He handed John a bag of blood and John tore into it. The blood dripped onto the floor and the smell nearly made Kathrine vomit. Then Elyon stepped around John to answer Kathrine’s question.
“I don’t have any interest in you but Paul does,” Elyon scowled. “He should be here shortly.”
“John, why?” Kelly begged.
“I need the blood, grandma. I can’t live without it. I’m sorry.” John seemed somewhat sincere but the blood was still more important than his family or friends.
“Then I’m sorry too,” Kelly said angrily. “I won’t protect you any longer.”
“So full of spunk,” Elyon laughed. “No spiteful words from you sister?” Elyon turned his gaze to Hailey. The three women were now all on their knees with their hands behind their backs in front of him.
“This is a mistake Elyon. You won’t survive this. This is Ceralin’s step-daughter. She will hunt you forever.” Elyon looked afraid for a second and Kathrine wondered. What was so scary about Sarah? Everyone was afraid of Paul because of his strength but the reaction to Sarah’s name was one of terror, even if Elyon hid it quickly.
“She hasn’t caught me yet,” Elyon said covering his fear with bravado.
“For this she won’t give up,” Hailey growled. “Her father is Sarah’s one. She won’t be able to let this one go.” Again Elyon flashed terror then covered it quickly.
“I’m not going to hurt her. Well, no one will know it was me. They will think it was Paul. He killed all of you because he found out about you and Kathrine. Ceralin will mourn her loss and blame it on you and Paul.” Elyon was sure of his plan but how was he going to best Paul?
Elyon’s claws came out and his fangs descended. He looked vicious. He was a hairy man to start with so Kathrine could see how the werewolf legends came about. Elyon was muscular and scary. In a dark alley, facing this man, you would come away really thinking he was a beast. Elyon walked toward Kelly first and pulled back his hand.
“That would be a bad idea!” Paul shouted as he walked in from a door on the far end of the warehouse. He was at least fifty feet away. Elyon turned to face Paul. Apparently he didn’t want to bet on whether Paul could reach him before he killed Kelly. Elyon was afraid of Paul, not the same terror he had at the mention of Sarah’s name but he was afraid. He tried to hide it but Kathrine could tell it was an act.
“Just you?” Elyon asked, his voice shaking. “I figured you would bring daddy along.” Was his whole plan to annoy Paul? Did he somehow think this would give him the upper hand?
“My father is more of a monster than you,” Paul spat back.
“So, not a willing partner to daddy’s plans?” Elyon was gaining confidence, he was up to something.
“Fuck you!” Paul yelled. “Let them go and I might let you live. I’ll just dismember you as punishment but you will live.”
Elyon laughed loudly.
“You didn’t answer my question. I’d like to know before you kill me.” Elyon didn’t act scared at all anymore.
Kathrine had a bad feeling again. Like John, Elyon was hiding something and Kathrine just couldn’t figure out what he could possibly think would give him an advantage against Paul. Were there a hundred vampires hiding in the next warehouse, ready to jump Paul? Would Paul even care? With a sword Kathrine wouldn’t be afraid of a hundred vampires, surely Paul was better than she was. Kathrine’s thoughts drifted a little. Where there even a hundred vampires in the world? She needed to ask more questions when this was over.
“I have no intention of answering it.” Paul walked cautiously closer as he spoke. He looked like he suspected Elyon was up to something.
“Answer me!” Elyon yelled as he rushed to Kathrine and sunk his two inch claws into her neck.
Paul stopped immediately. He thought he could make it to Elyon and stop him but he wasn’t willing to risk Kathrine’s life on it. Kathrine could see the fear in Paul’s eyes, maybe he did really love her after all.