Page 82 of Curse of the Asuune
“So, you watched me when I was ten until my mom died?” Kathrine was confused. Paul acted like he didn’t care that he had practically stalked her as a child.
“Yes, I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you until you grew up. I’ve been waiting for you for a long, long time.” Paul smiled and Kathrine’s legs melted. Why did he have to be so perfect? “So yes, I know all about you. I know what I’m getting myself into. If you want to be with a woman once in a while, who am I to say no?”
Kathrine was dumbfounded. Her anger at him not being jealous washed away. He was ok with her being the way she was. He really loved her.
“Congratulations,” Paul said looking at Hailey and Kelly. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to attend the wedding.” Kelly blushed and Hailey rolled her eyes. “Shall we head out Kathrine?”
Kathrine looked at Paul, now was her chance. She put her hands behind his neck and kissed him deeply. She could feel his attraction to her. She slid her hand up the front of his pants to make sure Paul would not forget this kiss then she took a step back.
“You were right, I’m not ready,” Kathrine said sadly.
“What?!” Paul was now the one who was dumbfounded. She had just helped him beat his father. What else did she need to prove that she was ready?
“Give me a few months, maybe a year. I have so much to learn. I stumbled around this like a toddler. I’ll get you killed if you have to keep saving me.” Kathrine admitted.
“You…you saved me,” Paul argued.
“No, God saved us both but only after you kept your father from removing my head. I’m not ready.” Kathrine looked like a lost puppy. She didn’t want to leave but it was the right thing to do. Paul’s world was dangerous, mostly for him, if she kept putting him in danger. She needed to be completely ready before she took this last step.
“Ok, you’re the boss,” Paul smirked. “I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.” Paul turned and started after his father. He wasn’t going to risk fighting him again but he did need to know where he was going. He could still fulfill his promise to God, it would just be a little more difficult now.
“The vampire chick you’ve been banging will get a nice surprise tonight I bet.” Kathrine bit her lip. She desperately hoped he would deny having sex with another woman.
Paul laughed and turned to address her again.
“Let’s just set this straight right here. I was pretty active, sexually, I mean, until the day I met you. I haven’t been able to look at another woman since. The worst part is, now that you are older, I dream about you every night and in the dream I can’t touch you. When you’re ready I’ll be waiting. I just really hope you’re ready soon. I think I’m going crazy without you. You are everything to me, don’t ever forget that,” Paul turned again and left with a grin.
Kathrine’s jaw dropped. Instead of a denial Kathrine got what she’d been hoping for. Paul was just as crazy for her as she was for him. Hailey pushed Kathrine’s mouth closed then stood in front of her.
“Let’s get you home,” Hailey said.
“It’s your home too, or at least it will be soon,” Kelly smiled.
Kathrine cringed. Was Kelly going to be angry, tell Hailey to never see her again? Kelly put her hand on Kathrine’s shoulder.
“Thank you Kathrine,” Kelly said kindly.
“What?” Kathrine wasn’t sure what Kelly was thanking her for.
“For helping Hailey realize who she was. I knew she was my one the minute I stepped into the car but I also knew she wasn’t ready to admit it.” Hailey blushed a little and kicked at nothing on the warehouse floor. “What you did for us…will you be our maid of honor? We can’t exactly have a best man but you would sorta be the best woman.” Kelly simpered.
“Of course!” Kathrine shrieked. Perhaps she was a little too eager but she didn’t have to give up her best friend and she was going to be the maid of honor!
Within a few hours they were all back at the settlement. It felt good for Kathrine to lay down in her own bed. Despite this, she stared at the ceiling unable to get to sleep. Her last encounter with Paul had answered many questions about where they stood but it had also left her wanting. Paul genuinely wanted to be with her, he was ready, why wasn’t she? What she had said about feeling unprepared was true. She didn’t want to get someone hurt because she wasn’t ready. Still, she knew that wasn’t the only reason, she was scared, scared to completely love Paul. Somewhere in the back of her mind she still felt that Paul couldn’t really be in love with her. He deserved someone better. Yet, there was also a small part of her that felt like she should have just said yes.
Unable to sleep Kathrine got up and looked around the house. She had fully intended to start writing her story like Sarah had. She just felt that there wasn’t much to write about until now. She now knew exactly what she wanted to write. She rummaged through a few of Sarah’s dressers that were still there and finally found an empty notebook. With a pen she found lying on the table she started her book.