Page 9 of Hellions (Badlands 6)
I let the blonde think she was dragging me away, nudging Zane as we by-passed the bar so that he knew I’d be gone for a while. A couple of whoops rang across the room, people thinking this was something other than what it was.
Outside, the woman peered over her shoulder again as if to make sure I was still there, and then she started for the inn across the street.
It was the same one that my group had claimed a few rooms in earlier.
Considering some of the other places we’d wound up sleeping the past few weeks, this one wasn’t half bad. It was a run-down building in dire need of a makeover, but the inside wasn’t too terrible. It was better than the bar.
Nyx’s crow was perched nearby. I felt its beady fucking eyes watching blondie lead me all the way to room four.
I freed my hand from hers the second we were inside and shut the door, making sure it was locked.
When I turned back towards her, she stared expectantly and took a small step forward, making no attempt to touch me.
It was typical—she wanted me to take total control, make her feel something she would never feel with those hicks back at the bar.
I could make that happen.
Closing the small space between us, I cloaked my face in an illusion of desire. She placed her hands on my chest and I quickly removed them, giving a reassuring squeeze when a hint of confusion touched her brow.
“Get on the bed,” I told her, spotting what I needed dangling from a ratty suitcase that hadn’t been unpacked yet. That small detail alone told me all I needed to know about her.
Earlier, she’d mentioned that she and her friend had been here for two days already, but she obviously hadn’t planned to stay for very long—meaning blondie and the redhead were roadies.
They traveled from shithole to shithole scoring drugs and spreading their legs. I’d assumed as much when I saw the track marks the redhead had tried to cover up with makeup.
And this chick thought I would actually stick my dick in her? I was offended.
She tried to reach past me to flip on the light.
I grabbed her wrist, a little rougher than intended, and gave a light shove. “I said, get on the bed.”
Her lips parted and, for a second, I thought she was going to object.
“I’m not usually one to fool around with the lights off; I like to see…” She dragged her gaze down my body, “But if you’re into that…”
“I am.” Among other things.
“Well, you look far too delicious for me to turn down, so your wish is my command,” she replied in a sultry tone.
Delicious? I wasn’t a fucking fruit.
I’d been prepared to force her if she decided to freak out. This was much better, though. When they willingly got into position, the experience was more rewarding—for both of us.
“Do you have a rubber?”
The question came muffled from beneath her shirt as she pulled it off.
“I have everything we need.”
Going to the suitcase, I grabbed what looked like a silk scarf and tugged on either end to test its strength.
It would suffice.
When I turned back to my temporary bed buddy, I wasn’t surprised to see she was already naked.
“Turn around and lay on your stomach,” I commanded gruffly.
Teeth flashed and the bed squeaked as she quickly obeyed.