Page 28 of Play with Me (Diamond in the Rough 1)
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
I finally made it out of the school and walked over to my bike. Seeing how scratched up it had become made me seethe all over again. That fucker had no right to throw me over my bike. He had no right to ruin the paint job that took me painstaking hours over the summer to perfect. I grumbled to myself as I shoved my backpack into the compartment on the back of my bike. I slipped my helmet over my head, wincing as it clamped down around my neck. I’d have to watch that. Because it definitely didn’t feel pretty.
And as I tossed my leg over my bike, I saw Mrs. Abernathy standing at the front doors of the school.
I shook my head as I cranked up my bike. I put on a nice show for her, inching my way out of there as slowly as I could. Going the speed limit, and nothing more than that. But once the school was out of view, I cranked it up. I blazed a trail down the main stretch of our little slice of Riverbend, weaving my way through town. I pulled over for a snack, running my ass through my favorite fast food place, then pulled over to eat. I took a long bike ride, trying to clear my thoughts. Trying to prepare myself for the bomb-ass pool party that didn’t start until tonight.
Courtesy of Marina’s parents’ empty house.
After stuffing my face full of greasy food, I cranked up my bike. I sped back to my place, charging through the front doors of my empty house. I snickered as I turned on lights. A massive mansion my father owned, and I was the only one that occupied it on a regular basis. While he and my fake-titted stepmother were jetting off to beautiful places, I was here. Being parented over Skype and only seeing them whenever I really got my ass into trouble.
Not like I give a shit about them, either.
After changing into my swimsuit, I pulled my jeans back over my legs. I grabbed my stuff for the night, including a towel, then made my way back out to my bike. I sped over to Marina’s place, where Roy stood out front to greet me. I parked my bike in the driveway, inching it off to the side. Because I sure as hell wasn’t keeping it on the road after the scrapes and bumps it had taken that morning.
Fucking Michael.
“Figured you could use a drink.”
I smiled at Roy. “Please tell me that’s—”
“Jungle juice? Hell yeah, it is. You know Marina makes the good stuff.”
I hung up my helmet and grabbed my towel. Taking the drink from Roy’s hand, I sloshed it back. I mean, I chugged it down. I felt the alcohol working its way through my veins as girls giggled off in the distance and water splashed around the corners of the house. I clapped Roy’s hand, bringing him in for a shoulder tap before we made our way around the house. I handed my empty glass off to a girl by the jugs of jungle juice, flashing her a devious smile. One well-timed smile and the silent promise of a kiss goodnight and my drink was full as the line continued to grow beside me.
I winked. “Thanks, hot stuff. Love the suit, by the way.”
She giggled. “Thanks, Clint.”
Roy held out his arms. “Welcome to the party. I think it’s the biggest one yet.”
I grinned. “Which means the girls are in their smallest bikinis yet.”
“Hell yeah, they are.”
“Good. Now, where’s that damn hot tub?”
Roy pointed, and I saw a gaggle of beautiful girls in it. Their string bikinis barely clung to their bodies as I made my way over. I tossed my towel off to the side, chugging back my second drink before ridding myself of my clothes. I felt their eyes on me, gazing over my muscles and marveling at my tall form. Ladies love the tall ones, and I was the tallest guy out of all these fuckers at this party.
Which gave me a very unfair advantage.
“Ready to make way, ladies?” I asked.
They all giggled as I stepped into the tub, sinking into the hot water. Bubbles raged around us as I swam between a couple of them, allowing my arms to settle on the outside rim. A beautifully-tanned girl swam over, sitting directly onto my lap. And as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I tried my best not to wince.
“I heard you were in a fight this morning,” she purred. “Are you okay, Clint?”
I grinned. “A few bumps and bruises. But you should see the other guy.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
I smiled. “Why don't you kiss me and make it all better, beautiful?”
And the pain in my neck quickly dissipated as her pillowy soft lips inched closer to mine.