Page 26 of Command Control
Of course, she was right. She’d learned that lesson from him. He’d given up everything he’d wanted for himself, including his career, for her and Laurel. And he’d made it clear every day that they were worth it. Why couldn’t he let her help him now?
“I’ll think about it.”
“Good. I’ll
send you pictures. I promise.”
She ended the call and closed her eyes. She needed a nap; staying up all night, fighting dragon-nurses, it was exhausting. Her dad hadn’t helped. She loved the man, but talking to him took every last bit of energy she had. Pulling her legs up, she rested her head on her arms. She’d lie here. Just for a minute.
“Looks like we should get you to bed.”
Sadie opened her eyes. She wanted to hear those words from Logan’s lips, but not when she was too tired to invite him to join her. And now he’d caught her passed out and drooling on her arm.
“Need a ride?” Logan asked mildly.
She sat upright and pushed off the bench. “Yes. And bed.” She eyed the coffee cup in his hand. “You didn’t have to wait.”
He shrugged. “I left and grabbed a bite to eat at home. Then realized you didn’t have a way to get back to the farm. Hard to catch a cab up here.”
She followed him into the lot. “Your coffee. What do I have to do to—”
“It’s yours.” He handed her the cup.
“Thanks.” Sadie took it, lifting it to her lips. Light and sweet. Perfect. “Now I owe you a coffee and an orgasm.”
Logan opened the door to his truck, shaking his head. “I’m still wondering what you were going to offer in exchange for the caffeine.”
She buckled herself in as he walked around the truck to the driver’s seat. “Anything.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
They drove in silence down the country roads. She might have closed her eyes for a minute or two. And then they were at her front door, the truck in Park.
“Need help getting inside?”
“I can manage.” If she hadn’t been up all night with Laurel, she would have asked him in and finished what they’d started. She released her belt and climbed out of the cab. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and pulled it out. A text from Laurel.
We need a car seat. Planned to borrow one from a friend, but she is still using it. Can’t bring the baby home without one.
“Everything okay?” Logan asked.
Sadie nodded. “Nothing that can’t be fixed with a little online shopping and overnight delivery.”
Still holding the truck door open, she turned back to face him. “Are you going to the festival tonight?”
He nodded. “No choice. My aunt cornered me and I agreed to the raffle. With one stipulation.”
“The winner foots the bill for lunch?”
He laughed. “No. That I don’t have to go up on stage. I’ll be there and I’ll greet the winner afterward to set up the lunch, but that’s it.”
“Stage fright?”
“Let’s just say I’m not comfortable standing up in front of a crowd,” he said.
“Then I’ll see you tonight. Maybe I’ll be the lucky winner. I wouldn’t mind lunch with the local hero.”
He smiled. “If you are, I’ll upgrade the prize from lunch to dinner.”