Page 52 of Command Control
“The press has been trying to figure out who is behind MJ Lane for months. Before I came here, I caught a reporter taking pictures of me outside my building,” she continued. “It was only a matter of time before they learned the truth, and I wanted to capitalize on the reveal. Control it. That was one benefit of being here, in Vermont. I didn’t think anyone would look for MJ Lane in Mount Pleasant.”
Logan raised his glass and downed the water, wishing it were something stronger. “I think it’s safe to assume you’ve been discovered.”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I should have told you. I would have, but—”
“This was just a fling.” Saying those words left a bitter taste in his mouth, like he’d been hoping for more. But he couldn’t do more. He’d made that clear from the beginning. He had to leave. Go back to work. Deployments and relationships didn’t work for him. He’d learned that from Jane.
But, stupidly, he’d always assumed he’d be the one hurting her when it was time to end this thing, not the other way around.
“There’s more. The other day, while you were in New York, I called the paper that had the pictures and confirmed that the woman was MJ Lane,” she said. “But I honestly didn’t think they would connect the dots and find me here. You can’t even see my face in the shot. I thought my secret was safe and under contr
Logan nodded and pushed to his feet.
“It was selfish not to tell you.” She stood. “Especially after you shared so much. And I had no right to risk drawing you into the spotlight. You’ve been clear that is the last thing you want or need right now.”
“No, you didn’t.” Logan shook his head. He couldn’t help but wonder—if she’d told him, would he have walked away? “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted one last chance to be with a man who didn’t link my name with MJ Lane and expect some sort of magical performance in bed,” she said quietly. “I know that sounds silly, but it’s the truth.”
He wanted to reach across the coffee table and touch her. But he couldn’t. He had to leave. He had orders to stay out of the press and she’d delivered them to his doorstep. This fling had to end. Now. But—
“Sadie, you are magical. It has nothing to do with your career. The magic? That’s just you.” He studied her across the table. She looked close to tears. But she fought to hold them back. “And I get it. I know what it is like to want someone to see past the labels. You’re the first person in a long time who has looked at me with something other than pity.” He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, shaking his head. “But I should go. I can’t be a part of this.”
Deep down he knew it wasn’t just the press that was pushing him out the door. He’d never held back. Not with Sadie. And the fact that she had, even if he understood the reasons, stung.
She nodded. “I’ll talk to my publicist and see what she can do to keep you out of this. I’ll leave a note with Lou either way.”
“Thanks,” he said, and walked out of the room.
Without looking back, Logan left the guesthouse and headed for his truck. He needed to get away from here. Clear his head. Decide if he should call his commanding officer and explain. Probably best to wait. Sadie would send a note when she knew more.
He smacked the palm of his hand against the steering wheel. In the span of one morning, they’d been reduced to passing notes. But he didn’t see another way. It was bad enough he’d talked to the writer in New York. Of course, Hunter hadn’t given him a choice. And his CO knew about that transgression. This one was on him.
When it came to Sadie, he had a choice. Until one of them left, he had to stay far away from her. One photographer already had pictures of them. It would be downright stupid to take the chance again. If the guy he’d caught this morning published those pictures, it wouldn’t be long before someone uncovered his name. Once they had his name, they’d learn his rank and position in the army. Then they might start wondering what he was doing sitting on his hands in rural Vermont while most of his team was back at the base.
Who knows where the story would go from there. He didn’t want to find out. If he lost his job as a ranger, when Sadie returned to her world he’d be left with nothing.
Except feelings for a woman he couldn’t have.
With his hand on the ignition, he closed his eyes. He liked Sadie. She’d burst into his life and lit it up like a firecracker. Just because it had ended with him still wanting more didn’t change the fact that she’d given him the chance to move forward. He wasn’t supposed to feel for her and want to turn this into something real.
No, that made him a fool, and that was on him, not her. Telling her things he’d kept from everyone else, even though he knew all the kinky sex in the world wouldn’t change the fact that this thing between them would lead to a dead end—foolish.
Logan turned the key. He had to get away from here before he walked back in that door and put everything on the line for a woman he’d only known a few days. He shifted his truck into Drive and steered down the driveway. Logic was on his side. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that walking away wasn’t the right thing to do.
* * *
“THE STORY IS about to break.” Sadie held her cell to her ear with her shoulder, while her hands struggled with the coffeemaker. “There was a cameraman outside my window this morning.”
“They found you in Vermont?” Anne-Marie said. “That was fast.”
The coffeepot snapped into place and started brewing. “I know. But it’s too soon.”
“Close enough. I’ll call the morning show and see if they can move up your appearance to get a jump on the story,” Anne-Marie said. “When this breaks, it could be great for your movie deal. It will be like Christmas morning arrived early for you.”
Sadie closed her eyes. She was so close to having everything she’d wanted for her career. But—