Page 17 of To Dare A SEAL (Sin City SEALs 2)
Her head hit the door as her hips lifted off the floor, seeking more from her hand. And then she was falling head over heels into an orgasm. And this one had a name.
“Jack,” she screamed. “Jack, Jack, Jack!”
Jack pictured her smooth skin as he came. He imagined covering her stomach, her thighs, marking her as his. It was primitive—and so fucking hot.
“Natalie,” he groaned.
“Yes?” she said, her voice wavering over the one word.
He took several deep breaths as his pleasure receded, then finally answered her. “Next time, I’ll be on the other side of the door,” he vowed.
“I dare you to try. You’re not going to win the bet. And this—tonight—what happened, it doesn’t count.”
“No,” he said, pushing to his feet. He reached for his boxers and used them to clean himself up. “No, it doesn’t.”
Being in his bed—or hers—meant bodies touching, lips kissing, him buried inside her. He wasn’t going to claim he’d won because she’d touched herself while he told her a story.
He headed over to his rucksack and tossed his used boxers to the ground. Then he reached inside for a new pair. He didn’t plan to tell anyone about tonight. Oh, he’d let them know when he won the bet all right. But tonight—with a door between them—did not count as a victory in his book. And as a rule, he didn’t share the intimate details of every sexual encounter with his brothers, or his teammates.
And this? It felt more personal than most of his relationships. She’d listened to him, really listened, and that had pushed them both over the edge. He’d never experienced anything like it with anyone else.
Of course, he could count his past relationships on one hand. Two. He’d dated two women for longer than a week. But he’d spent most of that time deployed with his team. And in both cases, the distance proved to be too much.
“Is the light still off?” she called through the door.
“Yeah.” His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, allowing him to easily move around the room.
“I need you to climb into your bed and stay there,” she ordered. “Let me know when you’re there, and I’ll come out.”
“And close your eyes,” she said. “I need you to keep your eyes shut tight.”
He opened his mouth to object…and closed it. He wasn’t the only one shaken by what they’d shared through the bathroom door.
He headed for the bed and followed her instructions as if they’d come straight from his commanding officer instead of the woman he planned to claim. And when he did claim her, he’d do so on his terms. Hearing her reaction to the scene he’d spelled out tonight, he had a feeling Natalie just might let him claim control.
Chapter Eight
“I need you, Jack.”
The black-haired beauty repeated those words over and over as she straddled his legs and wrapped her hands around his dick. Looking him in the eyes, she lowered her mouth, bringing her lips closer and closer—
A hand smacked his arm and Jack opened his eyes quickly, taking in his surroundings. He was riding shotgun in Natalie’s car. Outside the window, desert stretched for miles beside the highway. And the 100-pound dog snored in the backseat.
“Did you hear me, sleeping beauty?” Natalie said. “I need you to smuggle Mufasa into my room when we get to the hotel. Use your super SEAL skills.”
“Unless you want your dog prepped to jump from a helo or go on a diving mission, I don’t think my training will help,” he said.
She raised an eyebrow. “You can jump from a helicopter, but you can’t get a dog into a hotel?”
“Of course I can get him in. But—”
“Thank you,” she said. “We’re getting close.”
Damn if she wasn’t determined to challenge him at every turn. He could find a way to smuggle her dog into the hotel. But he had a feeling she could, too. It didn’t take BUD/S training to sneak past hotel security. Unless she had more important things to focus on…
“Decide on the perfect favor for the bachelorette tea party?” he asked.