Page 32 of Search and Seduce
“Looks like Amy won’t need the space heaters she rented,” T.J. said as they carried the roll of wire fencing over to the frame they’d constructed.
“Probably not.” Mark set his end of the spool down on the grass and stripped off his flannel shirt, tossing it aside.
“You know, we could finish this tomorrow,” T.J. said.
Gabe stopped beside them holding two pairs of wire cutters. “I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be here. Might as well do what we can.”
Mark nodded. “I don’t want to leave Amy with the heavy lifting.”
“I thought you were sticking around for a while, Mark,” T.J. said. “Your last deployment was what, six months? Aren’t you due for some time off?”
Mark stood the spool on its end, preparing to wrap it around the upright posts. “I signed up to fill any shortfalls in upcoming deployments.”
“They always need PJs,” Gabe said. “If you volunteered, I bet they call you back soon.”
Mark nodded, not mentioning his commanding officer knew he wanted to be out there, not sitting on his hands at home. Or at least he had in the past. After last night, and that kiss... Shit, part of him wanted to stick around. But he knew that was not in anyone’s best interests. Once Amy started making her list, she’d probably realize she deserved better.
Or maybe for what she had in mind, he’d fit the bill. Amy knew the drill. Men on active duty did not control their schedules. Sure, he’d made this vacation happen, but only because it had come at the end of his tour. If she hadn’t asked him to come here, he’d be back at base, waiting to ship out again.
“What about you?” Mark asked T.J. “When are you heading back to Lackland?”
“Wednesday,” T.J. said. “But I think Luke’s taking two weeks’ vacation this time. To spend more time helping out Amy and Mom.”
“And you?” Mark nodded toward Gabe as he wrestled with the wire fencing.
“I got a heads-up yesterday,” Gabe said tightly. “My team’s going wheels up in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
“Shit,” T.J. said. “Did you tell Mom?”
“No.” Gabe snipped the fencing with the cutters. “And you won’t, either.”
Mark lowered the spool to the ground. “What about Eloise?”
“It didn’t come up.” Gabe stepped back, admiring his work. “That girl’s looking for a lot of things, but assurances that I’ll stick around or come back to her? Not in her game plan.”
Mark glanced back at the kennel. What about Amy? Would she require promises? And if she did, would he make them? Words that secured him to one place and one person—those weren’t part of his vocabulary, not while he was still with the PJs. And he had no plans to leave. He couldn’t. So that others may live—those were the words tattooed across his heart.
* * *
STANDING UNDER THE TENT directing the caterers as they rushed to set up before the late-afternoon sun slipped behind the mountains, Amy felt as if she was preparing for a grander version of her wedding day. “If I had my way, we would have lined up the chairs in front of the door, cut the ribbon and sent everyone home,” she muttered.
“That man over there with the apron?” Eloise, who’d spent the better part of the afternoon helping set things up, pointed to the catering truck. “He said they would be serving hundreds of marionberry thumbprint cookies. And mini grilled cheese sandwiches made with local cheddar.”
“So you’re coming for the food.” Amy chuckled, heading over to the long rectangular table where they’d set out water bottles for the hardworking crew.
“No, I’m coming because you’re family and I love you. But I’m excited about the food. And you should be, too. Tomorrow will be fun, and your mother-in-law is picking up the tab for everything she added to your little party.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be a party,” Amy insisted. “I planned to wrap a ribbon around the building, cut it and give a quick tour to family and friends.”
“This will be better.” Eloise grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze just as Gabe walked into the tent.
Her cousin’s gaze locked on Gabe’s bare chest. “He looks dirty. Maybe he needs a shower. much more do we have to do here?”
“Go.” Amy released Eloise’s hand. “Just come back early tomorrow morning to help wrap the ribbon around the building.”
“Promise.” Eloise headed for Gabe. Her cousin took the SEAL’s hand and drew him away with a look that promised one long, wild night.
Amy bit her lower lip. I want that, too.