Page 1 of Locked Up Love
Chapter 1
I look down at the address on my phone to make sure I have the right place. Maybe there are two Italian restaurants called Leo’s in this city, because this one can’t be right. I turn to ask the cab driver to make sure we have the right place, but he pulls away and the door I had left open slams closed. I nearly fall backwards over the curb as I try to avoid being hit, and when I catch myself my hand flies to my chest.
“Crap,” I mumble, taking a deep breath.
Why did I agree to a blind date with my new roommate’s brother? Oh yeah, because I wanted her to like me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t flattered when she told me she showed her brother a picture of me and he wanted to go out. I should have said no, but she talked me into it even though I knew it was a bad idea. What if this went terribly? Then things could get super weird between the two of us, and that’s the last thing I want.
I only moved in with Carrie a week ago and we barely know each other. So far it’s been fine, but it’s weird living with someone you aren’t related to or friends with. It was time to for me to move out of my parents’ house. I love them, but they can be odd and difficult. I never asked, but I think I might have been a late-in-life surprise for them. If someone told me I was adopted I wouldn’t be surprised because I never fit in with their odd quirks. I don’t look or act like either of them, but they have control issues that work well for the two of them together. Since I was a little girl I felt like I was always walking on eggshells around them. Little things set them off and I swear I could never do anything right.
They didn’t seem sad when I told them I was looking for a place. In fact, they acted happy. Overly happy, actually. It hurt seeing their reactions, but it only pushed me to find something sooner. It didn’t take long to see I couldn’t afford much if I was going to pay for rent on top of my last year of veterinary tech school.
I had a small nest egg after selling my car, plus I spent all of high school working odd jobs. I don’t need a car now that I’m living in the city.
Carrie agreed to let me go month to month on the rent and she didn’t make me sign anything. That way if something did happen I could get out of it without a problem. I’m hoping that won’t be the case because it’s nice not having to walk on eggshells every day. And her place is close to school.
I send Carrie a quick text to make sure I have the right address. This place is so nice and I don’t think I’m dressed for it. I wore a simple pink cotton dress with leggings under it because of the chill in the air.
Carrie: That’s it! Have fun.
She replies a few minutes later then sends me her brother’s number to text him if I can’t find him inside. I debate texting and canceling, but that would be rude. Maybe I could hint at the idea. I put his number into my phone and send him a text.
Me: Hey, it’s Liz, Carrie’s roommate. I’m here, but I didn’t know the place was so nice. Not sure I’m dressed for it. Maybe we should try for another night?
I move closer to the building and off to the side to get out of the way of people coming and going. I stare down at my phone, waiting for a response and see that he read the message. He’s not texting back and I stand there for another ten minutes debating if I should text him again or get a cab home.
“Liz.” I look up at the sound of my name to see a man in a suit walking towards me. He has the same dirty-brown hair as Carrie and dark brown eyes. He smiles at me and it makes me fidget with my dress. He’s cute in a pretty boy way and I think he might have taken longer to get ready than I did.
I tuck a piece of my long blonde hair behind my ear and think about how I really should have put more time into how I looked for this date. I know this isn’t going anywhere because I can already tell there’s no spark with Gabe. I’m starting to think people are lying when they say they knew the second they saw their husband or wife that they were the one.