Page 52 of Sicko
Wicked leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. I turn to face him, his stone eyes on mine before moving to Royce.
Royce stands from the table. “I’ll be back in the morning. Jade, come on.”
“You’re not having her sleep here are you?” Silver says. “I mean, I’ll take her to my house if that’s what you’re planning. Those beds are nasty.” Her pretty face scrunches up as she says the words.
Royce ignores her. “Come on.”
“Wait!” Silver stops me with a hand on mine. “What’s your number?”
“Fucking hell,” Royce grunts. “Really?”
Bonnie chuckles. “And me too. I want it.”
“I’m not even surprised,” the darker man says, who looks a lot like Silver. “Really, you’re fucking lucky Swifty isn’t here either, or she’d be grabbing her number too.”
Royce rolls his eyes. “Hurry up.”
Silver ignores his moody behavior as I blabber off my cell number to them both. “Thank you for the whiskey, Bonnie.” Bonnie smiles at me, taking a seat on Lion’s lap. Lion seems to still be studying me, his head tilted to the side. My eyes flick back to the photograph that caught my eye when I first came in, before going back to him.
“Yes, that’s me,” he answers my unspoken question. He notices a lot without saying a lot. Interesting. Scary, a little, but interesting.
My mouth curves sadly. “Your kid is lucky.” Shoving my phone into my back pocket, his next words halt me.
“How do you know that? I could be the worst thing that ever happened to that kid.”
My fingers flex in my hands. “Impossible.”
“How so?” he asks, flashing me a crooked grin.
“Because I know what that looks like, and you don’t have his smile.”
His face falls, but not in an offended way, more shocked. “Excuse me.” I move away from my chair, turning to wave goodbye to Wicked. Royce is already exiting the room, but Wicked? Wicked is glaring at me like he’s just seen a ghost. The room is empty, quiet aside from the music playing through the house. Something is moving inside his brain and I’m not sure I want to know what that is.
I smile at Wicked softly before running to catch up to Royce.
Once we move through the sea of people and hit the front door, I jog down the steps to reach for him. “Where are we going?” I for sure thought he was leaving me here so he could go fuck Bea.
He flinches away from me, staying quiet until we’re far enough away from people and near his bike. “Taking you back to yours. Changed my mind.”
I pause, crossing my arms. “Why the sudden change?” Now that it’s just us with no spectators, it seems anything we both say to each other is real. Raw.
He stops, taking me in from head to toe. “What was that about? What you just said?” His expression turns hard, and even though it’s dark out, the lights from the house offer enough to take in the outline of his face. “Jade.”
Jade. Not Duchess.
“Nothing, just that I know what cruelty looks like and he didn’t seem like that to me.”
“You don’t know a fucking thing about Lion.” His lip curls around his teeth, but I get the feeling the snarl is toward me, not about his feelings of Lion. It’s obvious how much Royce loves Lion. “I’m going to ask you once.”
My blood turns cold as he takes a step closer. Don’t ask me anything, because I will have to lie.
“Has someone hurt you?”
My mouth slams closed, my jaw locked tight. I stay focused on the small patch that’s sewn into his leather that reads Rip. Vice President. Fingers wrap around my chin, his chest to mine as he brings my head up so my eyes come to his.
His eyebrows knit together. “Tell me, Jade.”
I don’t say a word, the syllables sticking to my throat and unwilling to come out.
His thumb swipes at the bottom rim of my lip. “If anyone has hurt you while I’ve been away.” His mouth slams closed and the muscles on either side of his jaw pulse. “I’ll fucking kill them, and that’s not a threat. That’s a goddamn promise.” My legs wobble beneath my weight, my restraint pulling against me. I want to tell him everything.
I open my mouth, but just as words are about to slip out, Bea interrupts. “You’re not staying?” she whines, and I flinch away from Royce, stepping far enough away so they can talk. I find myself near Wicked’s bike. I can’t believe I was going to tell him!
Royce narrows his eyes at me as they fall to the bike I’m near, standing close like it’s a lifeline. “Nah, you’ll be fine for tonight.” He hands me the helmet. I take the steps forward to take it, my fingers gliding over the glossy white paint of Wicked’s Harley.