Page 68 of Infamous (Beautiful Idols 3)
Mateo Luna stood in the entry of Valentina’s hospital room, gaping at the incomprehensible scene unfolding before him.
On one side of his little sister’s bed—dressed in a body-skimming, pink strapless sundress—was Heather Rollins. On the other side—wearing one of her signature shapeless housedresses—was his mother. The startling sight left Mateo feeling like he’d wandered into an alternate universe.
“There you are!” Heather’s brown eyes flashed. She gave a little wave of her hand, as though she’d been waiting for him.
As though they’d discussed this ahead of time.
As though she had any right to be there hanging with his family without his consent.
Mateo froze, trying to make sense of how this could’ve happened.
“I’m sorry,” Heather gushed. “I know I should’ve waited for you, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I just had to share the good news!”
Mateo made an uncertain approach. He had no idea what Heather was referring to, though one thing was clear: the meeting wasn’t nearly as disastrous as he’d imagined it would be. While they couldn’t have been more different on the outside, there was no denying his mom and Heather looked perfectly happy to be sharing each other’s company.
When his gaze met Valentina’s, he forced an encouraging grin. While he’d grown used to the jolt of seeing her looking so pale and weak, nothing could’ve prepared him for the heartbreak of seeing that her hair had been shorn all the way down to her scalp. The once shiny, wavy dark mane she’d been so proud of was now replaced with an array of glimmering stars and moons—an entire constellation of gold and silver temporary tattoos.
“What’s the good news?” he asked. Leaning in to kiss his sister’s cheek, he noticed the purple butterfly tattoo that matched the one Heather wore on her face.
“She’s being moved!” His mom’s voice rose with excitement.
“I hope you’re not mad.” Heather shot him a tentative glance. “But I know it’s what you’ve been wanting, so I pulled a few strings and got your sister transferred to a hospital that specializes in childhood cancer. She’ll get the best care possible, and she’ll be back at school in no time.” From over the sheet, she playfully tweaked Valentina’s big toe, and Mateo was chagrined to watch his little sister laugh delightedly in response.
How was it possible for something to feel so wrong and yet clearly make everyone so happy?
“Why would Mateo be mad?” His mother frowned. “This is what we’ve wanted all along.”
Mateo stood silently, unsure how to respond. When Heather had mentioned she wanted to meet his mom, he hadn’t taken her seriously. He guessed this was Heather’s way of taking matters into her own hands. Sure he felt manipulated, but in light of the relief on his mother’s face and the hope and adoration on Valentina’s, how could he possibly complain?
Realizing his mother was still waiting, he forced a neutral expression and said, “I’m not mad.”
“You sure?” Heather cocked her head to the side and twisted a random blond curl around her index finger.
“Nothing but the best for my princess.” Mateo brushed the back of his hand across Valentina’s cheek.
“So, the rumors are true then?” Valentina narrowed her gaze. “You two really are a couple?”
Mateo cringed under the glare of his little sister’s laser-eyed stare. One moment she was a sickly little girl fighting for her life, and the next she was a savvy preteen obsessed with tabloid magazines. “You really need to get more age-appropriate reading material.”
Valentina was about to respond when the nurse entered the room and declared visiting hours were over.
“Your family is great,” Heather said, as they headed for the elevator bank.
Mateo gave a distracted nod. He felt simultaneously annoyed with her and indebted to her, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
“But despite your game face, I can tell you’re mad.”
“I’m not mad,” he repeated, but the words came too quickly to be believed.
“Well, I’ve seen your happy face, and that’s definitely not it.”
The elevator doors slid open, and he waited for the car to empty before he and Heather slipped in. “Maybe a bit frustrated.” He punched the L button and paused as the car began its descent. “Also, confused.”
“About what?” Heather began to pout. Then, reading his expression, she pulled her bottom lip back into place.
“Everything.” Mateo moved into the lobby and stopped under a large skylight. With the sun shining down from overhead, leaving Heather haloed with light, Mateo was sure he’d never seen her looking more beautiful. But nothing was ever quite what it seemed, including her. Especially her.