Page 70 of Staking His Claim
To Ella’s horror, she felt tears prick.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
That caused her to smile through the tears. “I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry this much. But these are tears of relief—and joy. You see, I love you, too.”
At that, Yevgeny’s arms encircled her and crushed her to his heart.
* * *
“Are you happy?”
“Me?” Ella turned her head to smile at her fiancé. Yevgeny’s arm rested around her waist as they stood on the wide veranda of their dream home taking in the view they’d be seeing every day in the new year. “I’m walking on clouds—life couldn’t be better.”
The sale of the house had gone through. In a few days they would be moving in.
Everything in her world was going right.
Ella glanced down at the stroller beside them, where Holly was quite comfortably ensconced. For now. In years to come Ella knew Holly would tear around the gardens, explore the trees...and play on the swing Yevgeny intended to build. Perhaps there would be a younger sister. Maybe a brother, too.
A hand cupped her chin. Instantly her pulse quickened. Yevgeny bent his head and sealed her smiling lips with a kiss.
When he raised his head, she said, “Did you ever imagine this could happen between us?”
“I’ll tell you a secret.”
She tipped her head back, waiting for him to continue. “Yes?”
“I used to think you were an icicle. I didn’t think the man had been born who could melt you.”
“No secret.” She laughed. “I knew what you thought of me. But you once told me you never could resist a dare. Was that how you viewed me? A challenge to defrost?”
“It never crossed my mind. I have to say that I must be incredibly blind because you’re the warmest, most passionate woman I’ve ever known.” He ran a finger over her bottom lip. “You’re not angry?”
“I’d be hypocritical if I was.” Ella paused, then grinned. “You see, I thought you were a bully—I called you Bossy Big Brother.”
“I’m not a bully!”
“Ah, but I thought you were. I thought you controlled every aspect of your brother’s life, and that was why the poor thing was so irresponsible.”
Yevgeny swung round and leaned against the balustrade. Placing his hands on her hips, he drew her closer. “What can I say? I admit it. I did pull him out of too many scrapes.”
“I did the same with Keira. It was easier to sort her mistakes out for her than let her learn to do it herself.” She grinned at him as she allowed her body to rest against his. “At least we won’t make those mistakes with Holly.”
“I have no doubt there will be others to make.”
Ella looked up at him, aghast. “Good grief. I hope not.”
“But don’t worry. Like her mother, I know she’s ticklish—under her feet.”
“How long have you known that?”
He paused. “I’ll tell you something else I know.”
“What’s that?”
“The night I discovered Holly was ticklish, I overheard your promise to our daughter that you’d find her the best mother in the world. If you ask me, I think you’ve done that.”
Her heart stopped. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“And it’s perfectly true. Come here my wife-to-be. Let me show you again how much I love you.”
This time when his mouth closed over hers, he was in no hurry to end the kiss.
* * * * *