Page 20 of Theirs to Share
Jago suddenly plunged his finger into her pussy and Kriss slid one of his between the furrow of her ass. There was nothing to stop him and she wasn’t going to even try to dissuade him. He pressed against her puckered hole and she let him in with a squeal.
They fucked her with their fingers, adding two, then three, ensuring she was full and stretched, while all the time she completed her task. The orgasm obliterated the pain in her ass, the humiliation of the pose and best of all, it was actually a really good one.
She forgot to breathe and nearly passed out.
As the contractions pulsated, she screamed, just as she’d hoped. The pain of coming was exquisite; she couldn’t bear to touch her poor clit as it throbbed with wave upon wave of mini-climaxes.
Jago stilled his thrusting hand, so did Kriss. Collectively they moaned, enjoying the sensation of her coming on their fingers.
“Feel it?” Kriss sighed. “That is so amazing.”
Jago leaned over her. “Breathe, Shayla.”
She gasped, jolting back into the room from wherever she drifted off to.
Slowly, they eased away from her, lowered her legs, and waited for her to come to her senses.
The pain in her backside worsened. She’d not really paid it heed, but now as her clit quietened, she was all too aware of the fire burning across her flesh. She rolled onto her side and rubbed each cheek. “Ow, ow!”
Jago laughed. As the chuckles died away, he spoke again with a calmness. “A fine show of resilience. Very impressive. I like this woman very much, brother.”
A wave of goosebumps traveled along Shayla’s spine. The feeling was mutual. How could that be after they had humiliated her so effectively?
Kriss raked his fingers through her hair. “Do you want more punishment, girl?”
“More?” Her lower lip trembled.
“Kriss?” Jago said warily.
“I think she needs this... this discipline. I think she thrives upon it.” Kriss lowered his lips onto hers and kissed her mouth with a hardness that numbed. “Don’t you?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “I do.”
“Good, because that was just a warmup.”
Chapter Five
Jago couldn’t read her. The nuances of a woman’s face were tricky to interpret. Kriss showed his emotions with a clarity Jago liked. Shayla wasn’t so easy. Given the slightness of her pout, or frown, she wasn’t that upset by the threat of more punishment. She seemed sturdy—no tears, although a little fidgety, as if energized in some way. What else could he see behind her bright eyes? A wariness, which he expected, and what? Why were her nipples sticking out so much? What did she want from them? More pain or more pleasure? Maybe both.
Humans were an odd species and considered primitive by many other galactic wanderers who had come across them in their travels. For eons, no marauders had even bothered to plunder their planet. Earth had so few resources left and no technology
to trade; they couldn’t even reach the outer quadrants of their star system. However, they had people, plenty of people. Women, especially.
Hezara had kidnapped a few on secret missions. They proved to be unsuitable for training—quite hysterical and unwieldy—so they were sent back. Hezara for a long time watched Earth from afar, waiting for their world to catch up a little with the rest of the galaxy’s more advanced planetary systems. Then, they’d struck, wiped out their outer defenses and captured their leaders, threatening them with the unleashed power of the Violence if they did not bend to the will of Hezara.
The strategy worked. Earth’s women now came willingly, just like little Shayla. But, not enough of them. One woman for a thousand men; the quota for the planet. Each one awarded to the highest-ranking officials and those deemed gallant. The ratio was miserly. However, Odesta was one planet of many occupied by Hezara and the rationing was essential. Some of Jago’s fellow warriors favored total conquest and abduction of all females. Jago knew why. If they took all the women, how would those conquered planets breed new ones; the supply would dry up. Kriss diligently obeyed orders, and never questioned the reason why the ratio was kept so low. Why not find more women from other planets? Jago had asked the oracle and the oracle had no knowledge to give him, which was unusual. The oracle rarely failed to answer a question.
Regardless of Shayla’s ambiguous demeanor, she had to learn how to cope. The Hunger necessitated vitality and ardor, which meant no distractions, no touching things she shouldn’t. Only they mattered, her nestors, and not her own neediness. That was the big advantage of droids; they had no feelings or wants. Jago anticipated emotions were going to be a big hindrance to the Hunger. He wasn’t sure what impact they might have on their relationship with the girl if they didn’t keep them under control.
Kriss wanted more and Shayla needed testing, her endurance pushed. “Very well,” Jago said, “we’ll zap her upright.”
Shayla’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean?”
He pointed to the ceiling. “One arm only, keep the other one free. Legs apart and you can work her ass with the zapper.”
Kriss grinned. “Good plan.” He clapped his hands, applauding the idea.
Shayla’s skin wasn’t so red now. Her pout was definitely a frown and her bright eyes were not so brilliant. In fact, her lower lip wobbled, but she said nothing.