Page 40 of Theirs to Share
The Gotti came to her defense. “This is an examination room, not a prison cell. She’s supposed to be sick.”
Jago rested his hands on Shayla’s back. “Nobody is going to spank you, Shayla. Kriss is just flexing his muscles. Lie back and we’ll get this over with quickly.”
“How quick?” She dared not look up. She was fighting back the tears. This idea of hers to find an oracle had gone horribly wrong.
“A minute or two.” The Gotti stroked her fingers through Shayla’s tangled hair. She seemed kindly enough, like a doctor would be on Earth, and Shayla had been examined numerous times back home without any fuss or bother. Although, men weren’t usually present. Even the medical on the orbiting space station had been easy compared to this.
That trip seemed such a long time ago.
“I really feel better now. It was indigestion. I’m sorry that I made a fuss about it.” Shayla chewed on her lip. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger.
The scanner was buzzing around her head.
“I’m not detecting any worrying symptoms, sirs,” the Gotti confirmed. “Just a raised pulse. Capillaries widened, which is why she is flushed. Respiration a little faster than expected. Brain activity indicates full alertness. Indications of... arousal.”
What! Shayla wanted a hole to swallow her up.
Jago’s warm hand stilled. “Sexually?”
“Yes. I can confirm with the examination. I suspect this is why she doesn’t want an internal.”
Jago stood back. “Shayla, please stand and bend over the table. Now!”
What should she do now? She lifted her face, hoping her forlorn expression might provide mitigation.
“Is this necessary?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said curtly.
She was on dangerous ground now. She couldn’t claim she was ill, she’d dismissed her symptoms and the medic had confirmed she was physically fit. She shuffled to the edge of the table, and eased her legs down, twisting her body at the same time. Kriss pressed her back down and behind her, Jago used his booted feet to part her legs.
“Please conduct your examination,” Jago said to the Gotti. “We want confirmation of her condition.”
“Of course, sir.” The Gotti moved between Shayla’s legs.
Shayla cringed. She closed her eyes and covered her face again. The deft fingers parted her folds. The tip of the long finger ran down her labia. She didn’t need to see for herself. Shayla knew she was pink and puffed up with hot blood. Just like her nipples and clitoris. Her body had betrayed her darkest thoughts, like the dream in the night. She wanted wicked things to happen to her, but she never expected anyone to know about them.
The sturdy finger slipped inside her vagina. It stroked the inside of her walls, stretching and probing, searching for nonexistent damage. She was intact, unharmed, and very wet. The shame of hearing it was mortifying.
“The indications are she is sexually receptive. Her flesh is unmarked. Her opening is dilated. This is most interesting.”
Shaya pressed her lips together, stay quiet, and not let her personal feelings interfere. The Gotti didn’t have vaginas. What a thrill it must be to see one. Shayla might as well be an anatomical lesson for the medic.
“She is easily aroused,” Jago said with obvious amusement. “And definitely not sick?”
“Quite healthy.” The Gotti stepped back. “I’m intrigued. She is open, but according to my calculations, she can’t accommodate an erect member. She would need to expand by... this amount.” The detail was provided visually, and out of sight for Shayla.
Kriss chuckled. “We’ve achieved the ultimate act of double penetration, and she still fitted me in.”
“Simultaneous stimulation?” The Gotti sounded amazed.
Shayla snapped her knees together.
Jago looked over her head, speaking as if she wasn’t even there. “If you’d like to conduct a scan of her aperture for medical purposes, I’m sure this would be invaluable data.”
“Oh, yes, indeed.” The Gotti spoke with unbridled enthusiasm.
Shayla jumped to her feet and folded her arms across her chest, hiding her nipples. “Aperture! I’m not a thing.”