Page 46 of Theirs to Share
She rattled her chains and squirmed her bottom from side to side, but there was little room for movement. Jago rubbed her ass, circling his hand and dipping his fingers between her cheeks. The crowd hollered, cheering him on.
The shame of it. The pain in the end wasn’t the problem. The humiliation took her to the edge of an emotional cliff and left her there. She cried and, when the smacks seemed especially noisy, she sobbed occasionally. The tears dripped off her nose and chin. Kriss, hearing the rabble’s jeers, smacked her upper thigh, somewhere the ull hadn’t reached. She screamed out in genuine pain.
“Ow, ow!” She grabbed the links of the chain.
“Kriss,” Jago hissed.
Kriss smacked higher, by her crease. “She’s being punished, remember.”
“Not there. And avoid her sex, too. You’re getting too close.”
“The judge is right there. I don’t think he’s impressed.”
Shayla lifted her head and opened her teary eyes. Sure enough, the old man with the staff was sitting in a prime spot. He wasn’t interested in looking at her bottom; he was watching her face.
Jago stung her b
ehind with a firm smack. She screeched. The judge smiled.
Okay, dammit, she’d scream more, if it kept him happy.
They were halfway through. The droid was counting in a monotonous tone.
Fortunately, the effects of the ull hadn’t worn off. The mellow smacks, although hardly painless, weren’t horrendous compared to what she knew was possible. So, she changed her tack. More tears, snot, whatever was necessary, but she wasn’t going to cower in her heart. Oh, no. There in the core of her body, she was strong. She closed her eyes again, blocking out the crowd, the racket, and focused on the two hands that kissed her ass, back and forth. She’d pretend it was just the three of them.
The rise and fall of palm against flesh continued, undaunted and rhythmic. She breathed in time to it and answered each resounding slap with a suitable squeal of her own.
“Please, no more,” she threw into the mix. “I’m a good girl.”
“Fuck, yes,” Kriss growled. “You are when you do as you’re told.”
A tiny tremor of excitement erupted in her breasts. They jiggled, the nipples hardening. Kriss’s stern voice was the only thing that was able to break through to her and make her respond in a positive way. If only the circumstances were different, she’d rather like it.
Jago circled his palm again before spanking her. “This is what they want to see. Keep it up, Kriss.”
“A wicked creature deserves every spank,” Kriss said louder.
“Yes!” the crowd clamored in unison.
“This naughty female will be thoroughly fucked when we’re done.”
“Fuck her!”
Shayla’s eyes sprang open. “No!”
“Kriss,” Jago groaned. “I meant the spanking.”
“Ninety!” The droid continued counting, undisturbed by the rowdy proceedings.
“They’re agog for her,” Jago said, with a softly spoken level of alarm.
She twisted from side to side, trying to catch sight of her nestors over her shoulders. “Please, don’t let them near me—”
“We’ll finish quick and get you out of here. Don’t worry. Nobody but us lays a finger on you.”