Page 55 of Theirs to Share
“Ah, but I do.” He settled back into the seat. The tension that was in the air seemed to quell. She needed this readjustment. Perhaps, because of the strength of their feelings toward her, they’d allowed her to forget her place.
Jago moved to stand behind her. A sturdy column, the backbone of the relationship between them and her. She needed that reassurance that they would not let her go. Not yet. And if it were at all possible, not ever. Love, she called it, and Kriss was starting to suspect he knew exactly what the word meant. Was spanking her love? Would she see it that way?
One way to find out. “What do you think, Jago? A spell over my lap will remind her that we do care, that we won’t be told what to do when we have her best interests at heart.”
“I concur.” Jago slipped the sleeves off her shoulders. “Just a quick reminder. Be good, Shayla.”
She stayed still, allowing Jago to undress her, revealing first her breasts, the pebbles of her nipples, her flat belly and little navel, something nestors didn’t possess, and then her bare mound. Kriss sucked in air. His hardening cock was clamoring for her surrender. But, not yet.
Her submission was glorious to witness. Not a word passed her lips as Jago bent her over Kriss’s lap. Before moving back, Jago planted a swift kiss on one of her rotund ass cheeks, and peered up at Kriss. The silent message was transmitted.
No punishment, no harshness. This spanking was purely about realignment.
Kriss circled each smooth lobe with the flattened palm of his hand. Shayla buried her face in her hands. She expected pain; she probably wanted it, too. It would be just right. Not too much, but no leniency either.
He raised his hand and paused to speak. “I’m sorry, Shayla. Yes, the droid should have gone by now. But, losing your temper with us was wrong.”
“Yes, sir,” she said quietly.
Chapter Sixteen
She hadn’t anticipated this outcome—being over his lap, head down, bottom up and waiting. She rewound her thoughts, trying to work out if she’d subconsciously allowed this to happen or actually wanted it, but had gone into denial. She was probably overthinking it.
The second before his heavy hand dropped onto her quivering ass, she got her apology—a kind of apology without the sincerity of a penitent. The sting of the smack took her breath away. The heat bloomed in a circle around one spot above her thigh. She tried not to imagine his hand print forming a red mark, but it probably had, and it was a big hand, too. He slapped the other cheek.
Had she lost her temper? Her manners certainly: she’d pouted, rolled her eyes a bit, and snapped back at them. She wasn’t a droid, though. She was a human with thoughts of her own. If they wanted her to stick around, they were going to have to adapt to her, just as she had with them.
She kicked her feet. Jago grabbed hold of her ankles and repositioned them further apart.
“She’s resisting,” Kriss said, between well aimed spanks. He was switching back and forth, bouncing from one buttock to the other, with little pause in between. He smothered her bottom with slaps, the type that lacked force but more than made up for it with speed. She was reminded of a drum set. She pitied the poor skin-clad drum, her ass, as he maintained a rhythm that a dancer might bop along to with energetic footwork.
“I am not.” She threw the words over her shoulder in a vague direction. She couldn’t let go of the anger. It wasn’t toward either of the men, or Tina, the sad droid in the cupboard. It was herself who bore the brunt of her displeasure. She had engineered this—what had she been thinking when they walked into the house? She’d acted childishly and gone over the top with a mini-tantrum.
“I said I’d remove it, didn’t I?” Kriss said.
“Then, stop with the attitude.”
He’d drilled right through her head and seen the screwed-up expression on her face. The discomfort in her ass wasn’t the cause of it. She’d layered tension into every syllable she’d spoken since they’d come home, and now that tension was tightening muscles and drawing a grimace on her face.
“I can’t.” Her dry eyes refused to cry. “Dammit.” She squawked and winced. He wasn’t letting up with the spanking.
Jago then made a suggestion that took her breath away. “We could turn her over and spank her pussy instead.”
“Her ass is resisting. It’s like stone.” Kriss ceased spanking and slipped his fingers between her thighs, seeking out her pussy. “If we probed her ass at the same time, and you fucked her mouth, she might start to remember she’s ours.”
“Sounds like a good start.” Jago spread her legs wider. “We could also perform an ull enema. It will ensure she is clean and ready for prolonged use.”
“The ropes might come in handy, too.”
She squealed as Kriss fucked her with his fingers, plunging them deeper with each thrust. “She’s very wet.”
“Stop talking about me. I’m right here—”
Jago trampled over her words. “A gag might be useful.”