Page 67 of Theirs to Share
Somehow, Kriss had found the means to slot his cock between her ass cheeks. With firm fingers, he parted her buttocks along the furrow and pushed his erection against her entrance. She whimpered, appropriately, and in the manner he recognized—willing, yet nervous. His cock would be well-oiled—it always was when he played back there. However, she had to cope with the first breach and that was the hardest.
He rose, applying more pressure to the tight ring. She had to relax, ignore the restraints and the sting of the clamps. There was no fun to be had if she didn’t allow this to happen. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes.
The pressure built and at the point where she thought she might be ripped open, she yielded and accepted him in. He drove higher, gliding it seemed until she felt his hips knock against her ass.
Both of them buried to the hilt in her and ready to take their pleasure.
They worked in perfect symmetry, alternating their thrusts so that as one hard cock exited, another filled her. She sighed and moaned, occasionally cried out, but never said a word, just as they asked. What she wanted to say was, ‘please.’
“You want to come?” Jago asked, his capable hands still supporting her weight as if she was as light as a feather.
She nodded.
“When you do, these will come off.” He meant the clamps.
Hell. That’s going to hurt. She swallowed hard, and opened her eyes. He was looking straight at her, his focus no longer soft. He was watching her every sign, making sure she was with them and not lost in pain or distress. Kriss’s hands shifted and he cupped her breasts in the same way Jago had earlier.
“We’re doing this because we want to,” Kriss said. “From now on, when we Hunger, we decide what we do to you.”
Her pussy clenched around Jago’s rod and he gripped her ass tighter, quite aware of her growing need to come.
“Yes,” Jago said, eyeing the clamps. “We will do exactly as we please. You’re ours now. Given not by Earthlings, but by our queen.”
Her arms started to tremble and her shoulders to ache. The shaking was born out of excitement, not fear or exhaustion. She quivered as if in a fever and couldn’t stop the impending orgasm. Whenever Jago penetrated deeper, his cock chafed against her nub and Kriss maintained his occupation with shallow thrusts that delighted her. A perfect duo, and all she had to do was come, scream the place down, and they would have taken her thoroughly.
She mouthed, ‘please.’
Jago nodded, but not to her, but Kriss, who controlled the pincers.
Another deep thrust and that was all that was needed to tip her over the edge. The plateau was sweet, the prelude to something tremendous. She hovered there, enjoying the first contraction of her pussy. She too could clamp hard if she wanted to and she exercised that right and squeezed Jago’s cock hard. He growled, softly and with obvious joy.
Another nod, another warning of what was to come. The orgasm tumbled on, wave upon wave of pulsating muscles and in the midst, Kriss released her nipples. The numbness was immediately replaced with an agonizing rush of pain that cumulated in the tips of each breast. The pain was wiped out by the pleasure and she shrieked, letting go of the tension that had locked itself inside her body. She had no idea how such a release was possible. Her throbbing nipples added to the orgasm and extended it, and throughout, both men pumped her hard and fast.
She wasn’t expecting them to fill her with their seed. Not yet, it was early in the day. But she was blessed with knowing that they achieved their own climaxes and they roared in tandem.
In a matter of seconds, she was released, stretched out on the floor and covered in kisses.
“Well done,” Jago whispered. “You were amazing.”
She grinned, half awake and content.
“Rest a bit, then we’ll make love.” Kriss nudged his still hard cock against her. “You may speak.”
“Thank you,” she said. She touched each of their faces in turn, stroking her fingers along the strong line of their jaws, noting the vitality in their eyes. “I guess I am what I am.”
“Be proud of it.” Jago kissed her lips.
The day progressed, they made love, dipping in and out of her, treating her with affection, before reminding her they had the power to command her body to do what they desired. As dusk arrived, they grew restless, and she knew it was time for them to complete their task.
Lying on her back, they took turns, in the same way they had done on the first day she’d met them. However, this time they touched and caressed her, used their lips and hands to massage her flesh, and keep her clitoris alive and responsive. Jago arrived first, emptying his load in one long howl of delight. She felt the heat of it rise inside her belly. Then Kriss, equally keen and his heat basked alongside his nestor’s. The two of them combined, exactly as it should be.
Chapter Twenty
“So, the plan is to have the vines growing up this hillside, facing the sun.” Shayla waved both her arms up and down, just where she imagined the lines. “And over there, next to the water’s edge, will be the winery.”
Bert Tesser followed the direction of her hand. “Looks mighty fine. And how exactly do you pay for all this, Shayla?”
Trust her father to worry about the details. He wore blue jeans and a t-shirt. Human clothing on an alien world. It grounded her, gave her the confidence she needed. Most days, since he’d arrived on Odesta, he wore a formal suit and went everywhere with a minder, a bodyguard. She hoped the guard wasn’t needed. So far no threats had been received, probably because the purpose of his visit was still only known to a handful. Roisa was being cautious, cultivating interest amongst her people, before making the anticipated treaties public knowledge.