Page 6 of Bound by Her Promise
The doctor walked around her and ran his hand over each of her buttock cheeks. “Ample here,” he remarked. “Always worth having some padding.” Lysa rose up on her tiptoes as he pinched a cheek. What the hell was that about?
Blake chuckled. “She’s got a great arse.”
Lysa glared at him. “Can we get on with this?”
Dr Lamont tapped the exam table. “On here.”
Lysa’s lowered her arms and fisted her hands into balls. She inched her way on to the cold surface, shuffling up until she could recline.
“Bottom on the edge and legs in the stirrups.” He eased the stirrups farther apart and grasped her ankle.
“I don’t need help,” she snapped, shaking her leg loose. The rests seemed wide apart, farther than she’d like. She wriggled her bottom down and slid her calves into the plastic cuffs. She gifted Blake the perfect view of her sex.
The doctor stuffed his hands in gloves and snapped the elasticated material around his wrists. Hooking a stool, he positioned himself between her legs and angled a light source, aiming it at the apex of her thighs.
Lysa gripped the edge of the table and gritted her teeth. The humiliation grated. Gawped at by a man probably twice her age and in the presence of the man she’d just met, who didn’t even know what food she liked.
“Well, well,” Dr Lamont remarked.
“What?” asked Blake from his viewpoint by the wall.
“She’s not inhibited. Slick, I would say.”
Lysa cursed under her breath. Betrayed by her pussy, a wave of hot blood pumped about her chest. “It’s… just…”
“No need to feel embarrassed,” said Blake.
“Easy for you to say.”
She muffled her indignant cries of frustration as she submitted to the doctor’s probing. He teased apart each fold of her sex lips, rimming his finger around, pinching and stretching. Lifting her hood, he extracted her clitoris, peering at it. “Everything is in good health. A little swollen, but that is to be expected.”
The man had turned her into an anatomical structure, devoid of personal feelings. However, instead of responding to his lack of taste with insults, his touches created nothing but ambiguity in her needy sex, sparking ripples of tiny spasms in her lower belly. She stared at spots on the white ceiling, the contents of the cupboard opposite, anything to distract herself from the rigmarole of a mortifying procedure. How had she managed to become aroused?
She jerked. She’d failed to notice him apply a layer of lubricant to his fingertips. He smeared it about her sex. It was deliciously cold and stimulating, and a moan escaped her lips,
“Good, you need to relax,” said Dr Lamont picking up the speculum.
The cold metal pressed against her entrance. She tensed, losing the moment of relaxation. “Fuck,” she muttered.
He slid it in, prising apart her taut muscles and widened the aperture. “Nearly there, Lysa, you’re doing well.”
He screwed the speculum into place and stood back. Lysa buried her face in her hands, hiding the view of Blake inching forward, peering into her open sex.
“She’s wet,” commented Blake.
“I’ll palpate her vaginal wall. See if the response increases.” The doctor hooked his fingers inside and he agitated them.
Lysa’s legs trembled, struggling to stay on the stirrups. What had been a flock of butterflies in her stomach, brought on by nerves, transformed into sheer pleasure as he tickled his fingers inside her stretched pussy. She groaned, lifting her bottom up. He’d targeted her g-spot precisely, taking her to the brink. All she needed was the caress of a finger on her clit and she would…
“Keep still,” the doctor instructed.
“I can’t!” She slammed her fists on the edge of the table, fighting off the orgasm by not opening her eyes. The indifferent doctor might ruin her climax, but Blake, with his dark eyes and strapping body would send her spiralling to completion.
“I think we can call that a response.” He removed his fingers and took swabs with a spatula. “Just a precaution,” he muttered.
Lysa released a lungful of trapped air. She’d not noticed how much she’d been holding her breath. The urgent need to come dissipated. She opened her eyes and saw what Dr Lamont had picked up—the cylindrical device with bulb at the end.
“I’m going to insert this scanner into you. It will determine your elasticity and check for flaws in your tissue. I assume the medics back home put an implant in your belly to prevent pregnancy?”