Page 8 of Fox (Drive Me Wild 1)
Fox suddenly turned, reached the bed in three strides then stopped.
“How did you do that?” His stare was intense as he towered above me.
“Do what?”
“Go from being a really cool girl to a jerk in a split second?”
“Or maybe you just get your feelings hurt too easily?” Anger flashed in his eyes at my response.
“Maybe you’re trying too hard to be mean?”
“I don’t have to try.”
“Wanna know what I think?” He leaned down, closing some of the distance between us.
“Not really.” I widened the space by stretching back against the pillows, trying to look bored.
“I think all that is a cover-up. Some kind of trick, like smoke and mirrors.” The anger in his eyes was replaced with something else I couldn’t name, but it was just as intense.
“Oh, really and what am I trying to hide?” The edge in my voice slowly wavered.
He didn’t answer as he sat on the bed beside me and walked his fingers up from my ankle, then around the curve of my calf. His fingers felt almost hot, but his touch was gentle.
“That’s a good question. What are you hiding?” He paused for a moment and our eyes locked. I gasped softly as his fingers continued to move upward.
“What are you doing?” I asked as tiny goose bumps spread over my skin.
“I’m trying to figure you out.” He tilted his head to one side as he traced circles just above my knee.
“Good luck.” I laughed huskily, trying to appear unaffected though my heart was starting to race. He was testing how far I would let him go, and I was trying to see just how brave he was. I didn’t say a word when his hand reached the soft skin of my inner thigh. “How is your research going?”
There was no answer as his fingers pushed higher until they brushed the edge of my panties. I gasped but didn’t move. His eyes met mine and I lifted in an eyebrow in silent challenge.
“I wonder what it would take…,” Fox asked though he seemed to be speaking to himself, “for you to let go of that armor for a little while.”
He dragged one finger slowly down the front of my panties, briefly skimming over my clit, his touch growing little bolder with each passing second. Just as the heavy fog of lust began to descend upon me, it suddenly all made sense. We were playing War. Neither of us wanted to back down from a challenge, except I felt he wanted to do it just as much as I wanted him to. Those brilliant blue eyes held me captive and made me believe that he was capable of so many things. Gone was the polite and considerate Fox from earlier, right now all I saw was raw hunger and desire.
It was just bourbon and boredom, right?
“I dare you,” I whispered, only holding on to my control by a thread.
Chapter Four
I could think of nothing I wanted more at that moment than to have his hands on my body. Fox lowered his head and ran his lips over the soft skin of my inner thigh causing me to moan. He pushed me back against the pillows as his hands began to roam until he lifted my tank up, exposing my bra and cupped my breasts through the material. His cheek grazed the exposed skin just above my nipple and I moved my hands to his hair, pulling him closer to me as his lips trailed kisses along my ribs and my abdomen. My breathing increased as Fox lifted my leg, bending my knee so that my foot rested flat on the mattress. It was hard not to cry out when he hooked a finger in the crotch of my panties and pushed them aside, exposing my pussy to him completely. There were no words s
poken as he rubbed at my wetness with his fingers then he brought his face forward and tasted me with his tongue.
“Oh.” I moaned as my head fell back. The suddenness of all this was a complete turn-on. I would have never guessed that this is what we would be doing right now. I moved my hips against his mouth as he licked and sucked at my clit. God, he knew what he was doing. I laced my fingers through his hair as I moaned and writhed so close to the edge. I knew I was going to come, and I had never gotten to this point so fast with anyone. I mean, he’d barely started, and I was ready to finish.
“Take it back,” he said as he pulled back just enough to let his lips hover over my sensitive flesh.
“W...what?” I asked, my mind not comprehending his words.
“If you want to come, you have to take back the gay comment.”
“Fox, stop being a baby.”
“Okay, fine.” He started to lift his head, but I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.