Page 19 of His Perfect Passion
They stared at one another, lying on their sides, eyes each studying the other’s features. Marianne memorized every line, ridge, and hollow of his handsome face.
“I am glad, Darius, that I please you,” she finally spoke, sighing into the security of his embrace, relishing the solace of being cherished. “I want to. It makes me feel…better. You know what I need.”
He chuckled softly and stroked over her hair. “I do know, Marianne, and I will always give you what you need. It is my duty to care for you and protect you now, and it gives me great pleasure to do so. Precious—that’s what you are. You are precious and perfect to me, Marianne.”
Far, far from perfect, Darius!
Chapter Ten
Darius paused to look at Marianne, still sleeping in their bed. Her shining hair flowed out like a glossy halo upon the pillow. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one beauteous breast. Darius felt his breath catch at the sight of her. So beautiful. The stab to the gut that followed upon the heels of his admiration was so powerful, he widened his eyes at the sensation of pain. He wondered how unrecognizable he had truly become from the man he used to be. The past month had changed him. Marianne had changed him.
As the new mistress of a large estate, there was much to acquaint her with. The house was named Stonewell Court, due to the light gray stone of which it was built, and stood along the southern coast. The sea could be viewed from the second floor on up, which delighted Marianne. She’d told Darius so, and he didn’t forget details like that.
There were an abundance of servants to introduce. Mr. and Mrs. West ran most business about the estate and house, Mr. West as Darius’s steward, and Mrs. West as the housekeeper.
There were also the dogs. Darius had two wolfhounds, Brutus and Cleo, who took a great liking to their new mistress. If Marianne was outside, they were sure to be with her. When they were allowed inside the house, both were liable to be stretched out at her feet. Marianne told him she didn’t mind. Darius had teased, saying she’d quite stolen away their loyalty to him, but secretly he was glad she did not mind the dogs, for their guard eased his worry some.
Upon this day though, Darius had business calling him away for the morning, and thus the reason for the stealth in observing his wife’s womanly charms while she slept.
His breath caught at the sight, when she opened her eyes. So blue.
“Good morning, my beauty. I s’pose you’ve caught me leering at you before I must go.” He reached out his knuckles to trace over the creamy, rounded flesh, her nipple hardening in response.
Catching his hand, she brought it to her lips. “You are leaving.”
He nodded. “Solicitors first, then some business with Greymont on a matter he’s asked for some support.”
“When will you return, Darius?”
He smiled at that. “Will you miss me today, sweet wife?”
She gave him the tiniest of nods and then a look.
“Did you want to say something, Marianne?”
“Tell me then. Say what you want me to know.”
She hesitated before answering him. He could tell she struggled with her choice of words. “I am glad you stayed to wish me farewell. Please never leave me without a goodbye, Darius. I need that from you.” She regarded him solemnly, her face a mask of i
ntriguing beauty.
“Of course, my darling.” He bent and kissed her lips, her neck, and finally her bared breast, covering the nipple and grazing with his teeth. “You taste so good,” he moaned. When she arched into him he had half a mind to crawl back into the bed with her.
She did that to him. The need to have her was incessant. Morning, afternoon, night…didn’t matter. The merest glimpse or gesture from her and he was lost. His cock was greedy when it came to Marianne. Darius wondered if his need for sex would ever abate. The more he had of her, the more he seemed to crave.
“What will you do today, Marianne?”
“I thought I might ride over to Papa’s for a visit.”
“Very well,” he said quietly. “Please take the dogs with you, and don’t stay too long. Remember we have dinner with the Rothvales tonight.”
“I have not forgotten about it.”
Darius was puzzled as he left though. Marianne had asked something of him for the first time. She never asked him for much of anything. He had to be extra vigilant to make sure she wasn’t in need of something, for usually she would never ask on her own.
She was resolute about some things though. Marianne had continued to care for her father even after the wedding. She would go and keep company with him at her old house, a house which now belonged to him. Darius did not wholly approve, but he allowed her to do it. She was a dutiful daughter. Dutiful in all aspects as it was her nature. He sensed, and rightly so, that she needed to continue caring for her father. Being a dutiful son himself, he understood.