Page 3 of Priceless
He offered his arm, which I accepted and let him lead us into the hallway.
“Beauty interests me right now.” He looked down at me and smiled darkly, his lips slightly parted and my arm tucked firmly under his.
It interests me, too. “Well, there is plenty of beauty here to show you,” I said.
““I thought so.” He stopped us at a door. “I can’t wait to see it all and experience it for myself.”
He opened the door and led me inside a darkened anteroom. Various works in progress of restoration and archival rooms were down this way. I was about to ask him if he wanted a tour of the conservationist wing when he shut the door and pressed me back against it. “Bloody perfect,” he mumbled.
“What—?” was all I managed to get out before he took my face in his hands, slammed his mouth down over mine, and started kissing me with his beautiful mouth.
MY “date” was interesting tonight. Sexy as all get-out but mysteriously illusive with what sounded to be an American accent. And so damn beautiful my eyes were stinging.
We really needed to get this party started, and we couldn’t very well just stand here in a quiet gallery hallway mentally undressing each other now, could we? It would be wholly inappropriate, and someone was bound to come by and see eventually.
I don’t usually go in for public shags but was far too gone in attraction to my “tour guide” to care very much. I’m a man of action. Give me a problem and I will do my damndest to find a solution.
Like right now for instance: Where can I find a place to get Maria alone and see what she’s got hidden beneath her sexy gown?
Was Maria really her name? I tried to remember the text I’d received, and thought I was right, but details like that slip my mind consistently. I was however, well aware how escorts didn’t like for clients to use their working names where somebody might hear.
I always followed the rules with the ladies, still shocked this beautiful creature was an escort in the first place and not a model for Vogue or Harpers. She could be, in a heartbeat.
A door appeared in front of me, so I opened it and brought her in with me. Dark, empty, private. “Bloody perfect,” I said.
I pressed her up against the door and took her face in my hands. Her eyes were a stunning dark green, almost the same colour as mine were, but I just had to get to know that luscious mouth of hers first.
I could look into her eyes once we were shagging in a few, and I planned on it.
I wanted a taste of those lips mostly, and then I’d move on to other parts. I knew what I was doing and I was totally confident she did, too.
“What—?” she murmured, just as I descended.
The time for talking has well passed, lovely thing.
When I covered her mouth with mine and got a first taste, something switched on inside me and I sort of lost my normally maintained control.
I just wanted to push my way in and get lost in her for a while.
She froze at first and sucked in a breath, but then she seemed to soften and go with the program, and started to kiss me back. She tasted like a delicious wine I couldn’t seem to get enough of, so I just delved deeper and held her firmly.
It took a moment, but I felt her response grow to the point where her hands got into the action and buried in my hair. Once that started happening I knew everything was good. We had chemistry together and I was sure of one thing—I’d be getting Maria’s number so we could do this again.
I moved a hand down to sweep under her skirt and slid my palm up her thigh and right between her legs. I felt lace.
And a bundle of hot, sexy female.
“Ahhh…” she moaned, standing up on her toes and throwing her head back when I touched her. I moved my mouth to her throat and down the deep neckline of her dress. My fingers dove under the lace of her knickers and found my target, skimming back and forth where it counted.
That she was totally turned on and primed for action, was never in question. I had the proof over my fingers.
This goddess in my arms, wearing a green dress I wished I could strip her out of, was about to come on me. Fucking hot.
I gripped her face with my free hand and brought her back to face me. “Open your eyes.”
She complied instantly, her lashes flipping up and revealing those green beauties I’d admired earlier. Her breathing was coming in heavy pants now. Time to hit a bullseye with Miss Maria, I decided.
I moved two fingers into position and buried them inside her. In the same moment I seized her mouth and impaled myself there, too. She was totally mine to conquer and I relished the control in moments like this. I was all about control when it came to sex.