Page 44 of Priceless
He did own my body in that moment, even if I would have given it to him freely.
He absolutely did.
His cock swelled impossibly harder as he thrust into me with an almost agonized sounding groan, holding me impaled as he finally came. His teeth bit into my shoulder just enough to bring a sharp sting of delicious pain before he soothed over the spot with his tongue.
When he released me, the ominous Ivan disappeared and the gentle Ivan reemerged. He held me the same way he had last night, caressing and combing fingers through my hair. Being in his arms afterward was again, something I’d not really experienced before. It was new to me, but I loved it. He made me feel so precious, like I was important to him—special. It scared me only because I responded so powerfully to his attentions. Almost like an instant addiction for people who sample a drug for the first time. It was like that for me with Ivan.
This was only supposed to be one night of letting my inhibitions fly and not have the guilt to contend with by being done in private. But fate had played a dirty trick on me I now realized. And too much alcohol had helped me to make stupid decisions that I couldn’t take back now, or ever.
I had been with Ivan. I now knew what that felt like.
Like something very wonderful.
And I knew I’d wish for more time with him once he took me back to Hallborough later today and said goodbye.
Even so, I stayed exactly where I was, cuddled up against his muscled chest with his arm around me. I breathed in the scent of him so I could hold onto the good feelings for just a little longer. Maybe I deserved more than just one night with him…
What are you doing, Gabrielle?
AFTER the good-morning-fuck, we dozed a bit. We needed it. The sex was intense with her, and a little rest helped us both come down to earth afterward.
It was already beginning.
The change in me I was worried about.
But I knew I couldn’t do a thing about it anymore than I could get enough of Gabrielle Hargreave. I wished I could make time slow because the sands in the hourglass were pouring out far too quickly for me. I dreaded the moment when she would say I had to take her back to London where she lived and worked.
I didn’t want to take her back.
I didn’t even want to go back to London because I knew everything would be different there. It wouldn’t be like this was here with her right now. Easy. So good. Fun.
I wanted her to stay at Donadea with me so I could hear her tell more outrageously mocking fairy tales. To hear the sound of her teasing in that California-girl American accent she spoke in. To laugh together in bed over funny, stupid, nothingness. To watch her sleeping, or see the happiness she felt when she did something for the first time, like the night flight in my plane. Just simple things.
She opened her eyes a few moments later to find me watching her again, but this time she just smiled and looked happy.
“Let’s go swimming,” I blurted.
“A body of water—you and me moving around in it.”
“You have a pool? Here?”
“Yeah, I like to swim. I’ve been having the place renovated slowly and the indoor pool house was done up last year. From the outside it looks like it belongs with the rest of the place, but inside it’s very modern. Sort of like this room.”
“I wondered about that. I like your bedroom, but I also loved the traditional décor in the room where I stayed last time.”
“So, do you think I should preserve everything at Donadea in its original form and design, then?”
She seemed to really think about it for a minute before answering. “Well, I’m all for preserving history, of course, but this is also your home—your sanctuary—and you love being here, so I think you need to make it fit so it’s comfortable for you to enjoy when you visit the place.”
I kissed her softly. “You just scored some points, Miss Hargreave. I like your answer.”
She did a fist pump and mouthed the words, “I scored points.”
“You so did. Now, do you want to have a swim with me?”