Page 160 of Twenties Girl
Mum’s got more spirit in her voice than I’ve heard for years! Go, Mum!
“So, who’s been dealing with him?” Tonya frowns. “Hasn’t that been a bit tricky?”
“Lara’s done everything,” says Mum proudly. “Talked to Bill, talked to the gallery, sorted everything out -and started her own business! She’s been a tower of strength.”
“Great!” Tonya smiles widely, but I can tell she’s annoyed. “Well done you.” She takes a sip of wine and swills it around her mouth thoughtfully. I just know she’s searching for some little vulnerable spot, some way to regain ascendancy…
“So how are things with Josh?” She puts on her sympathetic look. “Dad told me you got back together for a bit but then broke up for good? That must have been really tough. Really devastating.”
“It’s OK.” I shrug. “I’m over it.”
“But you must feel so hurt,” Tonya persists, her cowlike eyes fixed on mine. “Your self-confidence must have taken a knock. Just remember, it doesn’t mean you’re not attractive, Lara. Does it?” She appeals to Mum and Dad. “There are other men-”
“My new boyfriend cheers me up,” I say brightly. “So I wouldn’t worry.”
“New boyfriend?” Her mouth sags open. “Already?”
She needn’t look so surprised.
“He’s an American consultant over on assignment. His name’s Ed.”
“Very handsome,” puts in Dad supportively.
“He took us all out for lunch last week!” adds Mum.
“Well.” Tonya looks affronted. “That’s… great. But it’ll be hard when he goes back to the States, won’t it?” She visibly brightens. “Long-distance relationships are the most likely to break down. All those transatlantic phone calls… and the time difference…”
“Who knows what’ll happen?” I hear myself saying sweetly.
“I can make him stay!” Sadie’s low voice in my ear makes me jump. I turn to see her hovering right by me, her eyes shining with determination. “I’m your guardian angel. I’ll make Ed stay in England!”
“Excuse me a moment,” I say to the table generally. “I’ve just got to send a text.”
I get out my phone and start texting, positioning the screen so that Sadie can see it.
It’s OK. U don’t need to make him stay. Where have u been?
“Or I could make him ask you to marry him!” she exclaims, ignoring my question. “Too much fun! I’ll tell him to propose, and I’ll make sure he chooses a simply stunning ring, and we’ll have such fun planning the wedding…”
No, no, no! I text hurriedly. Sadie, stop! Don’t make Ed do anything. I want him to make his own decisions. I want him to listen to his own voice .
Sadie gives a little harrumph as she reads my message. “Well, I think my voice is more interesting,” she says, and I can’t help a smile.
“Texting your boyfriend?” says Tonya, watching me.
“No,” I say noncommittally. “Just… a friend. A good friend.” I turn away and tap in, Thanks for doing all that stuff to help me. U didn’t have to .
“I wanted to!” says Sadie. “It’s fun! Have you had the champagne yet?”
No , I text back, wanting to laugh. Sadie, u r the best guardian angel EVER .
“Well, I do rather pride myself.” She preens herself. “Now, where shall I sit?”
She floats across the table and sits on a spare chair at the end, just as Kate approaches the table, looking pink with excitement.
“Guess what!” she says. “We just got a bottle of champagne from the off-license round the corner! The man said it was to welcome us to the area! And you’ve had lots of calls, Lara; I’ve written down all the numbers… and the post arrived, forwarded from your flat. I didn’t bring it all, but there was one package I thought might be important; it’s come from Paris…” She hands me a Jiffy bag, pulls out a chair, and beams at everyone. “Have you ordered yet? I’m absolutely starving! Hi, we haven’t met, I’m Kate…”
As Kate and Tonya introduce themselves and Dad pours out more wine, I stare down at the Jiffy bag, feeling a sudden breathless apprehension. It’s come from Paris. It has girlish handwriting on the front. When I press it, I can feel something hard and bumpy inside. Hard and bumpy like a necklace.
Slowly, I lift my eyes. Sadie is watching me intently across the table. I know she’s thinking the same.