Page 75 of Shadow of the Giant (The Shadow 4)
"First step on the right road," said Father.
"A year ago, if somebody had put up a list of these nations," said Mother, "and said that they would ever unite into one coherent nation under a single Constitution, and surrender command of their armed forces to the there anyone who would not have laughed?"
"It's all thanks to Alai and Virlomi," said Peter. "The atrocities committed by the Muslims in India, and the publicity Virlomi gave those actions, combined with all the recent wars..."
"Terrified everybody," said Father. "But the nations joining the FPE are not the ones that were most afraid. No, Peter, it was your Constitution. It was you--your achievements in the past, the promises you were making for the future..."
"It was the Battle Schoolers," said Peter. "Without Bean's reputation--"
"So you used the tools you had," said Mother. "Lincoln had Grant. Churchill had Montgomery. It's part of their greatness that they weren't so jealous of their generals that they had to depose them."
"So you won't let me talk you out of this," said Peter.
"Your place in history was already assured by your work as Locke, before you ever became Hegemon," said Father. "But today, Peter, you became a great man."
They stood in the doorway for long moment.
"Well, that's what we came to say," said Mother.
"Thanks," said Peter.
They left, pulling the door closed behind them.
Peter went back to the papers on his desk.
And then discovered that he couldn't see them because of the tears blurring his eyes.
He sat up and found himself gasping. No, sobbing. Quietly--but his body was wracked with sobs as if he had just been relieved of a terrible burden. As if he had just learned that his terminal disease had spontaneously healed itself. As if he had just had a long-lost child returned to him.
Not once in that whole conversation had anybody said the name "Ender" or referred to him in any way.
It was a full five minutes before Peter got control of himself. He had to get up and wash his face in the tiny bathroom in his office before he could get back to work.
From: Weaver%[email protected]
To: PeterWiggin%[email protected]
Re: Conversation
I have never met you, but I admire your achievements. Come visit me.
From: PeterWiggin%[email protected]
To: Weaver%[email protected]
Re: Meeting
I also admire your achievements.
I will happily provide safe transportation for you to the FPE or any other site outside of India. While it is still under Muslim occupation I do not travel to India.