Page 61 of Gemini
“Sounds great,” I said.
“Good night, Allison.”
“Good night, Cedric.”
Cedric touched his hand to his mouth and blew me a kiss before disappearing from the screen.
Mercury, your ruler, is receiving kudos from the Moon, Gemini, resulting in a jubilant day. Romance is in the air, as you crave fun and are easily entertained. Hang on and enjoy the ride!
Well, Wednesday certainly didn’t start out like my horoscope predicted. The afternoon spent with Lucas turned out to be quite eventful, but not in a good way.
As usual, I was dressed in my Wonder Woman uniform and superhero boots. Today, Lucas’s mother Pat asked me to take him out on a few errands. I drove with Lucas to a nearby small one level shopping mall. There was a Walmart inside and a food court where I could have Lucas eat an early dinner and practice using money to pay for his meal. (Yes, I was still wearing the uniform to the mall.)
Lucas liked to go in the mock hurricane machine, so I added the quarters in and let the wind blow in his face repeatedly until he tired of it.
We made our way over to the Chinese takeout restaurant in the food court, and just as we sat down, an indoor train that parents paid to have their kids ride in, started making its way around the mall.
Lucas had always been sensitive to certain sounds, but for some reason, this particular train horn, really upset him. As the train approached, he got up from the table so fast and began running down the mall covering his ears.
I abandoned our food and chased after him as fast as I could, but he was such a fast runner. I could only imagine what people were thinking: a grown woman dressed as Wonder Woman chasing after a grown man covering his ears.
Lucas tripped and fell flat on his face before I was able to catch up with him. He had a pretty bad gash on his forehead. By this time, we were far away from the train sound, so he had calmed down. I felt so badly for him but I couldn’t lift him off of the ground.
A mall security guard helped me hoist him up off the floor and a nice woman got me some paper towel to add pressure to Lucas’s cut.
I immediately called his mother to let her know I was going to take him to the walk-in clinic on the way home to make sure he didn’t need stitches. It was a pretty bad gash.
Pat met us at the clinic and we had to wait an hour to be seen. By the time the doctor came out it was almost 7:00 at night. My shift normally ended at 7:00 but I didn’t want to leave until I knew he was okay.
As I sat in the office as the doctor examined Lucas, my phone chimed. It was a text from Cedric.
Cedric: Hi, beautiful. I can’t wait to Skype with you tonight. Would 11:00 your time be too late?
I would stay up until any hour to Skype with him.
Allison: Not too late at all. Looking forward to “seeing” you.
Cedric: I would tell you to wear something sexy, but a paper bag would be sexy on you. ;-)
Allison: If you could only see what I am wearing now.
Cedric: ????
Allison: Remember I told you about the 20-year-old man I work with? He has an obsession with Wonder Woman and I have to dress like her or else he won’t acknowledge me.
Cedric: LOL. Are you serious?! That is fucking awesome.
Allison: You should have seen me today at the mall chasing after him in it.
Cedric: Shit. I would have paid serious money to see that!
Allison: I have to run…I am still with Lucas.
Cedric: Ok…talk to you at 11