Page 20 of Phoenix Rising
"No, I meant this…"
I slid my fingers through her fiery red curls. She made a soft little sound of pleasure as I teased her a bit, dragging my finger up and down the outer edge of her lips.
"Ohh…. hmmm…"
I chuckled, deciding to drive her crazy with lust before I had her again. And she had said something about tasting me… it was hard to forget that.
'Course, if she tried that it would be over before it even started.
"Just lie back and relax, baby. I want to take my time with you this time.”
Her eyes got wide.
"This time?"
I smiled and nodded.
"Oh yes, honey. We are just getting started on your lessons. Spread your legs for me."
She blushed prettily as she parted her thighs. I turned on my side and arranged her body to my liking. Arms at her sides so her breasts were on display. Thighs open. Hair tucked over one shoulder.
All her sensitive bits were exposed to me. Phoenyx’s body was my very own amusement park. She was the best damned playground in the world.
And I was going to play.
I leaned down, fanning my breath over her nipple. I licked around one slowly, then flicked my tongue against it. Just once.
Then I blew on it.
She whimpered as I stroked her inner thighs, coming close without even touching her sweet little pussy. Not yet. Oh no, my little wildcat was going to have to beg me this time. I wanted her panting and desperate and spelling it out for me, word for word.
Well, if I could hold out that long, which I seriously doubted. But it was good to have goals. And a plan. Oh yes, I had lots of very specific plans where little miss Phoenyx was concerned.
I licked my lips and leaned down to tongue her nipples for a good long while. I didn’t stop until she started rocking her hips. Still, I kept my fingers busy, but just out of reach, touching her everywhere except where she wanted me to.
"What is it, Phee?"
I blew on her nipple again and switched sides.
"Oh! Can you– oh… please Clint…"
"Please what, darlin'?"
"Please can you– do what you did before?"
"You want my fingers inside you?"
"My tongue?"
"Uh huh… yes, please."
I chuckled. She was so polite when I had her on edge. I had to keep this in mind down the road.
"Anything else?"
"Yes Clint. I want to taste you– and–"
Oh lord. My cock jumped in my jeans again. I was ready to fuck her to Kingdom come and back again.
My voice was husky as I continued my slow exploration of her thighs with my fingertips.
"What else?"
"I want you to… oh God, please fuck me!"
I groaned, loving hearing her talk dirty. I wasn't going to be able to keep this up much longer.
"In that order?"
"Any order!"
I smiled and reached for my jeans. I wasn't going to last long either way. But maybe I could stretch things out a bit…
She watched hungrily as I kicked my jeans off, licking her lips.
"Let me taste."
I pushed her hands away.
“Hush, darlin’. Let me take care of you first.”
“No buts. Later, sweetheart. After we take a long, hot shower. You don't want to get spermicide in your pretty mouth."
She blinked.
I rolled a condom over my cock, pinching the tip. I knew I was going to fill it up again. My balls felt hot and heavy as lead.
I pulled her towards me. She curled into my side but I shook my head, patting my lap.
"Climb on, sweet thing."
She looked shocked in the special way only a Southern woman could. I laughed, but not for too long. My cock was way too eager to get on with it.
"You want me to get on top of you?"
"Oh yes honey, I most certainly do."
She chewed her lip nervously but did as I asked. She looked so sweet and shy as she straddled me. And naked. Gloriously and completely naked, even more magnificent than all the times I had imagined seeing her bare as the day she was born.
I stared hungrily at her perfect tatas, finally getting an extended look. Her hair was wild and free, her eyes sparkling, her lips bruised from kissing. Her long, creamy legs were bent, hovering just above me.
It was the best damn view on God's green Earth.
That's when I realized it.
Phoenyx Delancey was the eighth wonder of the world.
And she was mine.
I gripped her tiny waist and guided her down, holding my cock so that it caught between her lips. I pressed her down a bit, moaning at the feel of her.
"That's it. Hmmm… yes… Lord have mercy, you are tight!"
I groaned as the tip of my cock sunk into her buttery lips. She gasped, looking as surprised as she had the first time. Then she closed her eyes and made a sexy sound that drove me over the edge.
My cock lurched upwards, like a dog straining to get off its leash. I held as still as I could. I wanted her to do this.