Page 35 of Phoenix Rising
We were a team.
“It’s time to make a change. I got you some brochures from the college. I have a friend there, and they said they can get you admitted for courses by the second semester, even though the deadline has passed.”
“College? I don’t understand. Do you think I’m not smart enough?”
Huge blue eyes blinked up at me as I frowned in consternation. This was not going well.
“No, honey. Nothing like that. You are perfect just the way you are,” I said, placing a quick kiss of her pert little nose. She looked reassured, but only for a moment. Then she seemed confused and a little wary again. I sighed.
“Then what?”
“Well, it’s time to think about what you want to do. After.”
“After what?”
“After riding,” I said, giving her a firm look. The kind of look that said not to argue. I thought she might get riled up. But instead, she laughed.
“After riding? You mean competitive riding? I have at least fifteen or twenty years left in me. And I plan to own my own stables, after that. I will never give up riding. Maybe I could take a course or two,” she added sweetly. “If it means that much to you.”
Well, damn. This was not going to plan. I hadn’t expected her to have such a well-thought out plan.
“Horses are dangerous, honey. Not safe for precious cargo like you to be bouncing around all hell for leather.”
She laughed again and poked me in the chest.
“You are too funny. What did you want to talk about?” She fluttered her eyelashes at me. “Wedding plans?” She leaned in closer, her eyes on my lips. “Or did you have something else in mind?”
“Don’t distract me, sweetheart. This is serious.”
“What is serious?” She asked, starting to sound exasperated.
“I don’t want you riding anymore,” I said, plainly. I couldn’t be any clearer than that.
Well, that got her attention.
“You what?”
Her face was pale. Her eyes were blazing. And she was looking at me like I was damned near out of my mind. And the truth was… maybe I was. Maybe I was out of my mind. But I was adamant. The only way to keep her safe was to keep her off the back of a damned horse!
“I am putting my foot down, Phee. I can’t go through that again. People get hurt sometimes. Worse than hurt. Riders get cocky or reckless. They get thrown. They get killed. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, honey. I just can’t.”
Her eyes softened a little.
“I heard about David. I am so sorry, Clint. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”
I hung my head and took a deep breath as she continued.
“I don’t blame you for being scared.”
“I’m not scared. I am insistent. It’s my way or the highway darlin’,” I insisted.
“That’s not living, Clint. Being afraid all the time. It is the absence of living. Riding is like breathing to me,” she added quietly. And then said something that twisted me up inside. “Don’t make me chose, Clint. Please don’t.”
I yanked her against me roughly.
“Phee, my God girl, I love you too damned much. I can’t lose you.”
“I love you, too. And God willing, nothing bad will happen to either of us. My plan is to be with you forever, honey. Don’t you see that?” Her words were muffled where I had her pressed tight against my chest. But I felt them all. They went right to my core.
“You looked like a rag doll lying there. I was so scared, Phee. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
“I know,” she said simply, holding me back just as tightly as I was holding her. “I know.”
We sat like that the longest time. Finally I pulled back, so I could brush the fiery red hair out of her eyes and kiss her. I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. We didn’t need to talk. We just needed to be.
As I lay there that night, staring at the ceiling I realized something. The young woman in my arms was more than a partner. She was more than a beautiful playmate. She was a teacher, too. Damned if she hadn’t shown me the way. I kissed her shoulder and she snuggled closer, without waking.
The girl loved me, even when she was sound asleep!
I never mentioned her not riding again.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
One Year Later
I stared at myself in the mirror while my mother held the necklace against my throat. I barely recognized myself. I looked… grown up. I looked like a woman who was about to be married. And I was.
"Really, mom? I can wear this?"
She nodded and clasped the gold chain behind my neck. A dazzling heart studded with diamonds nestled just above my cleavage. This was a special necklace to her. I even remembered the Christmas morning that my daddy had given it to her.