Page 142 of Winter (Evermore Academy 1)
“The gym?”
“Yes. Because of the intense . . . scrutiny our school is under, we have decided to make all mortal students sleep in the gym as an extra precaution. Professor Spreewell put a temporary ward on the building to keep any Fae from entering, and the building will be guarded by Mr. Willis’s fourth year shadow guardians.”
I should be grateful for the extra protection, but all I feel is bitter. The only reason the academy suddenly cares about human lives is because they want the human world to think they’re kind and good. That they see us as equals.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
They have the first years set up in the upper room of the gymnasium overlooking the campus. The mats have been taken away and cots with white sheets line the floor. Evelyn, Mack, and I have the beds closest to the large floor-to-ceiling window.
Because the gym is normally chillier than the dorms, they’ve even cast a spell for warmth.
As luck would have it, we’re right next to a group of Unseelie shadows. Reina’s two boy toys from the first day, twins Drake and Vance Cartwright, sit on a cot beside Reina and her friend, Lily. This part of the gym is supposed to be girls only, but the twins must have snuck in.
“Hey, Trailer Park!” Reina calls, loud enough for the entire gym to hear. “I heard an orc picked up on your odor all the way from the scourge lands and sniffed his way here.” Lifting her nose in the air, she inhales. “Yep. Smells like poor white trash to me.”
Evelyn pushes her Gucci travel bag under her bed, ignoring them. “Pretend we don’t hear them and they’ll leave us alone.”
“Screw that,” Mack snaps. She drops her duffel to the ground with a thump and squares to face them. “Hey, Reina. Don’t forget I have pictures of you from summer camp, before you discovered your love for bulimia, hair extensions, and plastic surgery. Be a shame if they found their way online.”
“Whatever.” Reina rolls her eyes. “You know, my dad said since you’re adopted, you shouldn’t even be considered a legacy.”
My hands ball into hard fists, and I toss my paper sack full of stuff onto my bed and join Mack. Picking on me is par for the course. But Mack is off-limits.
Reina’s barb hit its mark; a red blush creeps up Mack’s neck.
Then Mack rallies. “What, the one time of year he comes to visit you? My parents might not be my birth parents, but at least they enjoy my company.”
Mack’s words must strike a nerve because it’s Reina’s turn to flush, anger brightening her pale skin. With a dramatic flip of her gorgeous curls, she turns her back on us.
“Bitch,” Mack mutters. “I’ve known her since we were little and she just gets worse with time.”
“I hear her mom became a darkling and they killed her right in front of Reina when she was, like, six or something,” Evelyn whispers cheerily.
I slap a hand over my mouth. I might despise Reina, but no one deserves to see their mother become a monster and then be killed. “I thought . . . people in the Untouched Zones didn’t turn.”
Evelyn lifts her delicate shoulders, causing one red braid to slip over the side. “That was before they completely cut off contact to the Tainted Zone, thank the Shimmer.”
My jaw clenches. Evelyn usually forgets I’m from the Tainted Zone, even though I’ve reminded her countless times.
“I remember,” Mack says as she sits on her cot, a distant look softening her focus. “It was all over the news. Her dad was a prominent politician, so it was a big story.”
After that pearl of happiness, we busy ourselves unpacking our stuff and settling in for the day. I try not to look at Reina where she holds court with her minions. Try not to let the sadness I feel for her seep inside my heart.
But it creeps in, anyway. Damn human emotions.
We spend the rest of the time hanging on Mack’s cot gossiping and ignoring the Unseelie crew. As Mack puts little streaks of violet in my hair with hair chalk and then french-braids it, the nervous knot in my belly begins to soften.
I even find myself laughing along with Mack as Evelyn divulges all the campus secrets. Which shadows are sleeping with whom. The forbidden love triangle going on between a Dawn Court shadow and two Mortal Creatures Court shadows.
Apparently, even fraternizing with other shadows outside our keeper’s Court is frowned upon.
Oh, goodie. Just another reason I can’t become the prince’s shadow.
I perk up even more when I learn the students are allowed to go into the basement where some of the mythological creatures are kept—the ones who can’t stand the bitter cold in the outdoor menagerie.
My favorite beast ends up being the basilisk, a large venomous green snake with horns. His entire cage is coated with magical tint to prevent his gaze from turning anyone he looks at to stone.