Page 8 of The Billionaire's Baby
“Oh, no.”
“Well, I’m kind of glad we met up again. I mean, I didn’t realize how much I missed our time together until I spent time with you at the class today—as parents. I thought helping you with your baby was like a blessing in disguise—I could be like a godfather or uncle or something.” Okay, he was getting all emotional inside. Time to switch the topic.
“Anyway, enough of that!” he said in a commanding tone. “I want to make sure that you guys are okay, Amber. Where are you staying?”
“First, Jules, I’m fine, really. And as far as your…situation, it wouldn’t matter to me. You’re a great guy!”
“You’re a sweetheart, but let’s not worry about me. I’m concerned about your condition. You just had a scare.”
“But I’ll be all right.”
“I won’t rest until I know for sure, Amber.”
After assuring Jules this, too, would pass and that one baby was plenty for her in her lifetime, the door swiftly opened and the doctor returned with the ultrasound tech.
“The baby’s condition looks satisfactory, Ms. Johnson-Murray,” the doctor said.
Amber smiled while Jules continued to have his arm wrapped around her shoulder for support.
“Can she go home now, doc?”
“Well, not yet,” he hesitated, his face evident with concern. He turned to Amber. “We would like to run a few more tests and monitor you for a while just to make sure. We need to get your blood pressure under control. And I do suggest plenty of rest. You said in the ER that you felt a leg cramp, which is not uncommon at your stage. We took the ultrasound as a precautionary measure to ensure your baby is doing okay. No distress there.”
“Oh, good,” Amber said, her voice sounded breathless.
Jules truly appreciated what a woman went through more than ever now. She was carrying all this extra weight and still going on about her business while another life was growing inside her. Have mercy!
“Oh, and another thing. Leg cramps during pregnancy are often caused by compressed blood vessels as a result of the extra weight you’re carrying. So you can help the blood circulate throughout your body and minimize cramping by putting your feet up whenever you can and drinking plenty of fluids.”
Jules took note of what the doctor advised. His mind raced as to his upcoming appointments. Why was Amber dominating his interests all of a sudden? He would rearrange a few meetings and take Amber home then make sure she was settled.
There was no way he was going to let her go through this again, alone! Not if he could help it.
A week later, Amber was finally ready for discharge. She ended up staying in the hospital for more than seven days and Jules had visited her each and every day in between his business meetings. Her blood pressure was unstable and she wasn’t eating due to severe nausea, so IV fluids were her only source of nutrition. The medical team was worried about the baby’s well-being given Amber’s history of multiple surgeries since her childhood accident. They soon considered her to be a high-risk pregnancy and wanted to take proper precautions.
Jules brought her beautiful flowers and fluffy teddy bears to cheer her. She felt as if her heart melted. Her mood was certainly elevated. Aunt Mavis managed to drop by once, for which Amber was grateful. But Jules had seemingly moved his schedule around to be with her. That meant the world to her. He kept telling her that she had saved his brother and sister-in-law and it was the least he could do. But there was so much more.
Amber hated that she felt a magical spark between them again. A chemical reaction of overwhelming proportions.
Or was that her imagination? Amber fought to ignore the feeling. Back then, Jules was all about sex. It seemed evident that he’d changed. But after that sweet heat turned disaster of an ex, Rex, she did not want to risk having her heart singed again in another failed relationship. She just couldn’t bear it—again. Jules was merely being a gentleman. Nothing more. It could never lead to anything more than his friendly support.
People could genuinely tell who cared for them when they were at their lowest. When they were most vulnerable. Jules was that caring person and Amber would be eternally grateful to him. God, what if Jules hadn’t been there for her? She would have ended up alone in the ward. Venus just had a baby, so she was unable to visit. Her body was still healing. And Amber’s aunt was simply too busy running the café in Amber’s absence. And it was a good thing. Amber wanted things to run smoothly at the Murray Café in her absence. Amber enjoyed working at the café and chatting with customers. Sometimes her working relationship with her aunt got a bit out of hand with her aunt’s mood swings but the smiles on the faces of satisfied customers who loved to come in and share how their day was going really made Amber’s day.
Amber really didn’t have a whole lot of close friends. Mostly acquaintances but not the huge lot like the Romeros had.
When she was released from hospital Jules was by her side, amazingly supportive as always. Amber was visibly relieved to have a ride home in Jules’s comfortable SUV. He told her he couldn’t stand the thought of her having to take the bus in her condition knowing full well that she was having some sort of joint pain related to her pregnancy.
When they finally arrived at Amber’s apartment above the café and Amber turned the key in the lock and opened the door, Jules stood there, perplexed. He glanced around the cramped studio apartment. Was Amber crazy? How could she even think of having a baby there? He saw a small, old couch with a couple tears in the fabric and a few stuffed pillows and a throw blanket on it. It looked as if Amber used it as a bed.
The kitchen walls were dotted with grease stains and were so dark he couldn’t tell if it was the color of the wall or the stains. A container of cleaning solution sat on the counter along with a cloth. The small window had a crack on the lower left corner and some white duct tape over a part of the broken pane. The carpet was old and tatty. Nothing seemed to be new in the joint. It looked as if frozen in a bad time warp capsule from the 1980s. Amber was staying there? His heart fell to the ground. A sinking feeling slammed into him.
The room was the size of a guest bathroom at Romero Manor, his family’s estate. In fact, it was the size of his own bathroom at his penthouse condo on the lakefront. No way in hell was he going to leave Amber there. This was no place for a woman and her growing baby.
“What?” Amber said as she walked into her apartment. She appeared nervous and bit down on her lip, rubbing her belly. “What is it?” she asked, gaping at his expression.
“Since when have you lived in a…bachelor pad?”
“Since I lost my job at the embassy, I had to downsize. And oh, I know the window looks bad. It happened recently. Someone must have tossed a rock and it hit the window. I’ve already gotten some estimates from a glass replacement company to have that replaced. It should be done by the end of the week. I know it doesn’t look like a palace but it’s not like I have to pay rent or anything.”
“But doesn’t your aunt own and live in a nice house on the east side?”
“Well, yes. But she has tenants there, so…it’s not an option for me. Aunt Mavis said I could use this space until I get myself back on my feet.”
“How sweet of her,” Jules said in an acid tone, his voice laced with charming sarcasm. To say he was gutted or appalled was an understatement. Why didn’t her aunt just shove her in a dungeon or a prison cell? It would have probably been a step up from this place. He had seen farm animals live better than this!
Jules didn’t want Amber to feel bad so he altered the subject a bit. “Speaking of getting yourself back on your feet, you should be off your feet right now. Here, why don’t you sit down while I get your things?” He guided her down on what looked like a sofa bed.
“While you get my things?” she echoed, sitting down on the couch.
“Yeah. I don’t think you should stay here tonight, not by yourself, Amber.”
“Oh, no. I’m not going through that again. Being told what’s best for me without my input. My ex already put me through the spin cycle with that controlling vibe! I don’t think you should be telling me where I can stay, Jules.” Amber’s cheeks turned red. “Listen, I’m sorry. All you’re doing is being so nice to me and I really appreciate it, Jules. I really do.”
“I know you, Amber. You’re not used to living like this. Look, most of your things are still in boxes.” And who could blame her? He wouldn’t want to unpack in this crappy excuse for a residence.
“I know. I haven’t had the time to get myself sorted out.”
“But how long have you been staying here?”
“Too long,” she admitted, looking around, shaking her head. “You’re right, Jules. You know me too well. I’ve had a pretty rough time after I lost my job at the embassy, and well, my savings ran out in no time. The rent on my condo ate up most of my available cash. I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford living there too long. I’m thankful Aunt Mavis allowed me to stay here.”
Glad her aunt allowed her to stay here? Doesn’t she mean, she’s appalled her aunt forced her to live here?