Page 17 of Unravel (Club V 1)
With that we went through the legal documents and she explained them all to me very carefully. Something made me think it probably would have been a good idea to have an attorney present for something like what I was signing, but I didn’t have the time or the funds for that kind of nonsense. No, instead I was signing my virginity away and by Sunday morning all of that would be taken care of and I would have a week of…who knew exactly—maybe intense sexual awakening. I signed my name on the final page and with that it was done.
Chapter 7
“One whole week with this guy? Samara, what if he’s like, Slender Man or something?” Suzy said as she watched me from the comfort of her bed.
I elbowed her out of the way as I started to pack a bag. I had no idea what I was going to need for the week, so I packed an assortment of things that I thought would get me through the days I was with this person, wherever they lived. It seemed like they must be within driving distance based on what little information Elle had given me, but beyond that I had no clue.
“Yuck. Thanks a lot, Suzy. Now I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. Besides, I get the feeling this is a city guy and I don’t think the city is Slender Man’s natural habitat. Also, let’s not forget that you are the one who suggested this.”
She shot me a searing glare. “Hey now, you’re an adult woman who decided to do this on her own. You have free will!”
“I know, I know. I’m only kidding. You know I decided to do this myself. And honestly, I’m kind of looking forward to it.”
“You aren’t scared or anything?” Her voice was quieter as she asked the question.
I took a deep breath as I looked down at the clothes in my bag. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared. It’s something new for me and I feel sort of weird being nineteen and still being a virgin. It’s like something that’s a part of me, but also not a big deal at all? I don’t know, it’s weird. Like it is something that society has made to seem so important when in reality it’s just this little blip on the radar when it comes down to it. No one really ever talks about guys losing their virginity like it is some sort of monumental act. But here I am, selling mine to literally the highest bidder.”
“In fairness, we don’t know what you would have brought on that auction block,” she said with a laugh.
“I don’t think it would be as much as I’m assured to get now. Who would have ever thought I would find someone who wanted to pay my brother’s entire bill for the transplant. Now the only thing to do is wait and pray for a heart to become available.”
“And of course you have to hold up your end of the bargain,” Suzy reminded me politely.
“As if I would back out now.”
Our apartment buzzer went off then and Suzy went to answer it while I continued packing and preparing for the week ahead of me. I would be picked up by car the following evening and driven to a destination I was unsure of. I wasn’t worried too much about this aspect of it and Suzy had even offered to get in her car and tail us just so she would have some idea where I was being taken. I declined that offer, not wanting to infringe on the privacy of the club member.
The thought had crossed my mind that I might know this person. Whether from the club or somewhere else, the reason they picked me could have very well been based on how familiar my face was to them. It was a strange thing to consider, that this person I was about to hand over my virginity to could be someone I encountered in my daily life. At the very least I knew that they had to be a club member. The only question left was if they were a regular member at my location or one of the others. I would soon find out and all of my questions would be answered.
Suzy appeared in the bedroom doorway carrying a large manila envelope. “It’s for you. Came by messenger.”
“How odd,” I said as I took the envelope and set aside the task of packing for a moment to see what had been delivered. There was no return address and the envelope had some bulk to it. I opened it carefully and slid out the contents. There was a wrapped package inside as well as a letter on fine stationary that suspiciously lacked any kind of letterhead or signature.
“What is it?” Suzy asked.
I skimmed the letter and looked up at Suzy when I was done, eyes wide. I read it aloud to her.
Dear Samara,
I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. I thought you might be packing for the week so I wanted to enclose a few items that will be of use to you while you are with me.
You will wear the red items the first night you are with me. Wear them under the dress I am sending you. The dress will arrive separately later today. Put these items on to prepare for our first meeting.
As far as what you need to pack—leave everything at home. That is not a request, it is an order. No makeup, no toiletries—nothing. You will be completely catered to in my home.
It is my delight to have the pleasure of your companionship over the next week. I hope you are looking forward to this with as much anticipation as I am.
The letter was unsigned.
“Jeez, he’s a little demanding isn’t he? What is it that he wants you to wear?”
I turned my attention to the package and opened it up. Wrapped in thin tissue paper was some red lingerie—a barely there matching bra and panty set.
“A lot of support this will give me,” I said, holding up the flimsy bra in front of my breasts.
Suzy shook her head. “Yeah, I don’t think he cares. So, that’s what you’re going to wear under the dress. Wonder what that will look like? What else do you have there?”
There was a small white box inside the package, something that a bracelet or necklace might be packed in. I slowly lifted the lid and looked at the contents.