Page 27 of Undone (Club V 2)
“So sweet, listening to the old family reunion, so I thought I would come join in.” He held out a muscled arm. This guy was stacked and seriously worked out. I figured he could lift me with just one of those arms.
I stood up and took his hand, looking toward Daniel for clues then back at the Tom Hardy lookalike.
“I’m Kayla.”
“Aww, so formal, little...well…what should I call you? Your mommy is married to my daddy, so… stepsister?”
I stepped back. “What the heck.” I turned to Daniel. “This is Parker?”
I was expecting a boy recently excluded from school. This guy was not that young.
“Yes. Parker, meet Kayla. Kayla, Parker.”
Parker grabbed my hand and shook it. A little too firmly. I felt uncomfortable as my first thought had been how sexy the hired help was. Now I found out he was kinda my stepbrother.
“I’m sorry,” I said, flustered. “I was expecting someone a little younger.”
“I’m twenty-one, so I’m not that old.” He replied. “How about you?”
“Well, now that those pleasantries are out of the way, I need you to come with me back to Los Angeles to get your whore of a mother away from my father.” He sneered.
I sighed. “If only life were that simple.”
“Are you kidding me? It is that simple. We go back home. You tell my pop her history with men. He kicks her out. Job done.”
“My mom hasn’t wanted anything to do with me for the last six years, so if you think I would get anywhere near her, you’re sadly mistaken.”
“Well, you need to try. I’m on the outs here. She’s bleeding him dry. That’s my inheritance we’re talking about.”
“Oh, it’s great to see that it’s your Pops you’re missing.” I sneered. “I’ve about had it with all you money oriented bastards.”
“You can’t be doing too bad. Dan says you live in New York.”
“I live in Brooklyn. I have a share in a rented apartment. I work round the goddamn clock to meet my rent. Don’t come here playing the victim because it doesn’t work with me. Do you want a nice life? Go out and earn one. I won’t be helping you with your daddy issues.”
I turned to Daniel. “Thanks for the coffee. I’m gonna head back up to my room and unpack. Maybe lie down for a bit. I’m feeling a headache coming on.”
“Okay, Kayla.” I could see in Daniel’s gaze that he wanted to say more but couldn’t.
“I’m gonna hit the pool. I’m feeling a little heated.” Parker walked off down the deck.
“I’m sorry, Kayla.” Daniel’s mouth was downturned, his shoulders slumped.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” I reminded him. “I’m sorry that your relationship with my mom brought these problems to your door.
“We should talk about that sometime. My relationship with your mom.”
“There’s no need.”
“I think there is, Kayla, because I doubt it was what you thought it was.”
I nodded my head and walked back into the house. My head was already buzzing with meeting Parker and being reminded of my mom’s behavior. I didn’t need riddles from Daniel accompanying it.
Chapter 2