Page 15 of Uncover (Club V 3)
“Okay, so you’re clear on the fact that we do not need any involvement from you on this particular part of our investigation,” Lauren said for the third time in half an hour.
“I got it, I promise. I’m not going to get in there and mess anything up for Ivan.”
“Just as long as you are clear that you need to keep the other guy distracted. By no means can we have him going into the auction room tonight. I think there will be too many questions if he ends up there. I’ve briefed Ivan myself and he’s talked to our other guy. He’ll be fine, but I think that your guy may have an eye for this and he’ll definitely notice that Ivan isn’t one of his regulars in the room. That alone would be enough to draw attention to him and we don’t want that.”
“Don’t worry,” I said, trying not to let on too much. “I’ll keep him busy.”
Lauren looked at me over her reading glasses. She was only 10 years older than me, but that look made me feel like my mother’s eyes were boring into me after I had stayed out too late one night.
“Seriously, Lauren, you don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. I’m going to leave Ivan to do his business and I’ll take care of mine and at the end of the night we’re going to meet back up here with you to debrief and go over everything that happened.”
She nodded, considering what I was saying. “Okay, show me what you’re going to wear.”
I rolled my eyes and went to my cubicle to get the garment bag I had brought to work. It contained the dress and shoes I would be wearing tonight and apparently, now Lauren wanted to give it her seal of approval before I went ahead with things.
“Red, well, yes that will certainly get his attention. Here’s another thing I need to be clear about—I am absolutely not asking you to do anything you are uncomfortable with, understand?”
I nodded. If she only knew what had happened so far. Lauren wasn’t above going to extremes to get the story, but she knew that if she pressed too hard here that she was no better than the men who ran Club V. Getting your employees to perform sexual favors in order to get things back from someone else wasn’t the sort of thing we traded at Expose magazine. Certainly, in the 50 year history of the magazine, someone had done something worse. There were always rumors about what people would do for a story, but not even I would go that far—not even with someone like Pete Wilson.
“As long as you think you are ready,” Lauren concluded and let me go back to my desk. I hung the dress back up and settled in to get a few things done before I needed to get ready for the date at Club V. I still had a lot running through my mind.
Sara had talked to me before I left for work that morning, as
king me if I was okay and just generally looking into my mental well-being. I took what she was saying to heart—what I was doing wasn’t easy. Not in the least. Engaging with someone who had traumatized me in my past was terrible and in many ways I was reopening a wound and rubbing salt in it, basically making myself vulnerable in front of Pete again and asking him to hurt me once more. I didn’t say anything to Sara about the idea of sleeping with Pete because I knew she would warn me off of it and she was probably wise. But there was something else, something far more primal going on here and I was getting too close to it to go back now.
Whatever was going to happen between Pete and I was going to happen tonight and I didn’t care what kind of danger it might put my heart in. I was going to let my body enjoy the ride.
I arrived at the club right at seven on the dot. I was buzzed in and now I was used to finding my way around the place, so I walked down the hallway to Pete’s office and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he called from inside. I pushed the door open and found the office dim. I had only been in there a couple times now and I didn’t really know my way around.
“Pete?” I called. Then I felt his arm around my waist.
“I want to show you something,” he said as he led me over to some screens on a wall.
“What is this?” I asked, but it soon became clear that I was looking at security footage in high definition from all over the club. There were a dozen screens and each was lit up with a different location.
Pete pulled me in close and breathed in the scent of my hair. “You smell amazing,” he said as he traced a finger from my shoulder all the way down the length of my arm and back up until he was cupping my breast. He let his hand rest there and switched up the locations on the screens so that each one was showing us people in the midst of some kind of sexual activity.
“Holy shit,” I said, surprised at what I was seeing. There had been a lot on the floor the night before, but this was something else. Seeing a dozen different tableaus playing out in front of me, I didn’t know where to look.
“Watch them,” he demanded, pointing to a couple in their 40s who were on different ends of a much younger woman. The man was shoving his cock in the young woman’s cunt while his wife straddled the girl’s face and lost her in wave after wave of pleasure, the collared girl licking enthusiastically at her pussy.
Suddenly Pete’s hands were on the front of my dress, grazing the neckline until they came to stop right between my breasts. Then with one fluid motion and a loud rip, he ripped the dress down the middle. I let out a little squeal, completely shocked by what he had done to my dress.
“Pete! What are you doing?”
He clamped a hand over my mouth. “The only words you are allowed to speak in here are how much you want to be fucked.”
He stripped the rest of the dress off me and let it fall to the floor. I was taken aback, completely in shock at what he was doing, but I couldn’t deny that I was enjoying the thrill of it. Of course, I had come to his office knowing what was likely to happen—no, what was absolutely going to happen, I simply had no idea how it was going to occur.
“Sit on the desk and watch the screens. Watch that slamming his cock into her.”
He put me up on his desk without any care or concern for the things on top of it and spread me wide, noticing for the first time that I had shown up to his office without anything on underneath the dress.
“You’re a filthy fucking whore, aren’t you Penny? Already dripping and ready.”
He pulled me to the edge of his desk and got on his knees, not sparing a moment stroking my slit with his large digits. God, it was going to feel amazing to get him inside me, finally, after all of this time, but I was going to have to sit back and enjoy everything that came before that.