Page 12 of Beg Me
Chapter 11
Six months had passed since Lucas had informed Reagan of how deviant her step-brother really was.
As time had passed and she made him believe that she only had him to rely on, his true self, began to slowly evolve into the monster he had always kept hidden from her and the rest of their family.
She was so grateful that her mother had such great intuition and her hunch about Aiden or she would have been really fucked. But because of Carey, she met Lucas. Reagan wouldn’t be left alone. Their relationship had slowly grown into such a strong bond that no one could break it. As Lucas had told her, ‘Patience honey, he’ll fuck up. It’s just a matter of time.’ And he was so right.
Aiden had slowly been making the worst deals to date. Buying up property deals in the millions that couldn’t be developed and then having to sell them off for substantial losses. Spending more money than he could afford to. They knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before Lucas and Rex approached him with a buyout deal that he couldn’t refuse.
She tried to get Aiden out of her thoughts and instead thought about how much she was looking forward to this upcoming weekend. She had arranged to spend it with Lucas in Switzerland, although she had told her brother that she would be staying with girlfriends. She was packing the rest of her items to make sure everything was ready first thing in the morning. She turned when she heard the knock on her door and watched Aiden walk in. Confusion marred his face.
“What the fuck is this?” He growled cocking an eyebrow and taking a few strides across the room to stand before her.
Reagan placed the last dress in her suitcase and stood her ground. “I’m leaving for the weekend. Don’t you remember?”
She watched him palm his face and then shake his head. “What am I going to do with you? Huh?” His hand reached down and poked through the clothing that was neatly placed in her weekend suitcase. “You have already been committed to other priorities this weekend, sis.” His words came out like venom.
Reagan tried to control her hands that had begun to shake and quickly hid them behind her back. “What are you talking about?”
Aiden grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled it to his nose smelling her scent. “I promised Mr. Whithmore, you would spend the weekend with him and that is exactly what you will do.”
Reagan stood there staring at her brother in shock. “Are you serious? He’s at least eighty years old. I’m not some plaything you can just rent out whenever the fuck you feel it’s necessary Aiden. I’m your goddamn sister!” She seethed as the words rolled off her tongue. His blue eyes flashed wickedly and all she saw were malevolent gems staring her down. She knew she had just pushed him over the edge with her defiance. But god damn it, she was getting sick of this.
His hand came up so fast she didn’t even see it. His fingers gripped her throat as he backed her into the wall. Her hands came up grabbing at his but he was so much stronger than her. Reagan’s head hit the wall with a hard thump. For only a second he stared her down before his other hand came up and slapped her hard across the face making her see white spots.
“Things are changing around here, sis.” His words dragged out the word ‘sis’ like he didn’t believe it. “If I ask you to prance your little slutty ass around during a business meeting, you will do it. If I ask you to entertain a business associate for the weekend, you will do it.” He paused and released his grip around her neck, then cupped her chin, his face only mere inches from hers. “Reagan, baby, I love you. You're my little sister. I would never put you in harm's way but you know that this will benefit the family business. Our business,” he emphasized and then kissed her on the lips. Aiden finally released her and started to walk away as Reagan tried to gain control over her shaking body. He looked over his shoulder and said, “I’ll cancel this weekend. I’ll tell him you're sick or something. This time you get off sis, but next time, I expect you to be fully compliant.”
Reagan stared in disbelief as the door closed behind him and then she sunk to the floor pulling her knees into her chest. She refused to cry. He would not win god damn it! She touched her cheek that was now throbbing and a moment later stood up. She zipped up her suitcase and whispered the mantra, ‘You’re strong. You can do this. You will win.’
Reagan arrived at the chatel a little before noon that Saturday. After settling in she made herself a hot chocolate and sat in the living room watching the flat screen until Lucas arrived. He had told her would be arriving a little late due to business. She had tried relentlessly to hide the light bruise that had formed on her right cheek with concealer but to no avail, you could still see it.
The door slammed shut and she watched Lucas stride across the wooden floor and envelope her in an overwhelming hug. He nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck and whispered, “Fuck, I’ve missed you. I don’t like that you're not with me throughout the week anymore.” He released her grip so he could look at her. She tried to force a smile but instead hung her head and felt the tears start to well in her eyes.
Lucas lifted her chin gently with his finger and forced her to turn her head so he could see her cheek. She looked into his eyes and saw the two swirls of blue fury.
“Hey, I’m ok.” She said in a soothing voice. “It was just a misunderstanding.”
Lucas ran a hand through his hair taking a step back. “Like fuck, it’s ok. I swear to god, I will kill that little fuck if he lays another hand on you!” Reagan rushed over to him and grabbed him by the waist pulling his chest against hers. “It’s going to be over soon enough. He’ll get what’s coming to him,” she said, standing on the tips of her toes to reach his mouth. She kissed him deeply, relishing in his warmth and she let go. “I need you, Lucas. I need you now.”
Lucas frowned, looking down at her and then shook his head. “We said we would wait Reagan.”
“I know we did, but I can’t any longer.” She replied, almost begging.
He cupped her face with his large hands. “You can Reagan and we will.” He said in a stern voice. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
“I’m fine, Lucas.” She walked away and sat down on the couch.
“Let me go take a quick shower and then I promised you I would take you shopping.” He smiled and walked up the spiral staircase to the second level.
She stared at the screen thinking of the last encounter they had shared. It was so intense that just thinking about it, she found it made her feel tingly. He had kissed her and caressed her out in the open and in broad daylight when they had set up a private picnic. Anyone could have seen them. She pictured the one man that had spotted them and then just sat there and watched Lucas bring her to orgasm. She couldn’t help but picture the man getting hard as he listened to her gasps when Lucas went down on her. The thoughts excited her, magnifying the sensations that were flowing through her.
Reagan would have never thought that being watched would turn her on so much that she could openly, and loudly, enjoy being eaten out in public. When Lucas had mercilessly driven her, teased her to the point of begging him to lick her cunt, she had been unable to control her loud moans even though she knew that man was watching them and could hear her. The orgasm that followed was so intense she thought that she might have lost consciousness for a few minutes, because when she came to she was on her knees with Lucas fucking her mouth, like a madman. She had remembered the first time they had foreplay. It was terrifying. His huge throbbing cock had repeatedly cut off her breath. But she found out quickly that she had loved it to the point she had craved it. With Lucas, she found that a sexual part of her had bloomed and he was slowly nurturing that blossom. She savored the virile, male taste of him, the power she felt from his thrusts.
She shook her head snapping herself out of her own reverie just when she heard Lucas pad down the staircase. Jesus, get a grip girl.
Chapter 12