Page 2 of Beg Me
the fabric.
"Mmm..." She moved slightly. Lucas could feel his excitement build as the blood flowed down to his cock at the sight before him and the events that were about to play out. He slid his hands along her arms and grasped her
wrists, his face only an inch from hers as he whispered. "Reagan, wake up." His fingers once again grazed her pussy lips over the fabric and she stirred. "Wake up Reagan." He whispered again.
He watched as she slowly opened her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. Her eyes fluttered open and then they focused on him. Her eyes were wide orbs of hazel and instantly filled with fear and confusion.
“What the fu-” She said.
Reagan was in utter shock. When her brain finally comprehended what the fuck was happening she totally lost it. Ferris was covered in only a silk robe and when she tried to sit up, she discovered she was bound to the bed. Panic consumed her as she realized the bastard had tied her up! She strained uselessly against the bonds and screamed. "AIDEN! HELP! Please help me, Aiden!"
Ferris clamped a hand over her mouth, silencing her. "Shhh," he growled. "No one is going to save you, Reagan." She stared up at him and all she saw was malevolent gems. There was no compassion in his dark blue eyes. No guilt or sympathy. Reagan didn't believe him as she glared at him, waiting for her brother to respond to her scream. There was only silence. No one came as the minutes passed by, the two of them with their eyes locked on one another.
"Reagan, there is no need to scream." He removed his hand slowly from her mouth and smiled.
"What the fuck are you doing? Why am I tied up?" she spat.
Unbelievably he lowered his head and nuzzled her neck, answering, "You're part of this weekend's business deal, I'm afraid." He licked and nipped her earlobe sharply with his teeth, making her gasp and fight the restraints once again. "Aiden made this deal so appealing, that I just couldn't refuse."
Lucas shifted his weight and laid his hands back on her breasts, kneading them through her tee shirt.
"Take your fucking hands off me!" She narrowed her eyes at him, willing every bit of angry hatred she felt in her words. "Conducting a business deal with my brother doesn't entitle you to feel me up!"
A devilish grin pulled at his lips. "Oh but you're wrong Reagan. You are the biggest part of the business deal. Fuck, you taste so good," He growled, his breath hot against her neck. "Like vanilla."
Reagan strained and twisted her body in an effort to get the bastard off of her but it was useless. It only made him laugh. "You're insane. My brother would never do this."
Ferris raised his head, staring down at her and cocked an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? I'm taking over your brother's business, Reagan and you were part of that deal whether you like it or not."
"You're fucking crazy!" She spat through gritted teeth. He rolled her nipples rough between his fingers as he let out a deep laugh. "You don't know your step-brother very well. I assure you he has and in the fine print of the addendum he signed tonight, he gave you to me."
"Fuck you! You're lying. AIDEN!" She screamed. "What did you do to him?"
Ferris let out another amused laugh and then stood up, shaking his head, and opened the bedroom door. When she turned her head and saw her brother standing there, she froze. It felt as though all the blood in her body had just been drained. Her brain refused to function or try to adapt to the reality of what was happening. This can't be happening. No! He was the only family she had left. How could he do this?
"Aiden?" Confusion marred Reagan's features.
"Do what he says, Reagan," her brother said coldly without emotion. It was like an icy dagger had just impaled her heart.
"Aiden? No! You can't do this! Please, you can't be serious?" She felt the first tear roll down the side of her cheek as she looked at her brother's vacant icy stare. "You're the only family I have Aiden. Please don't do this to me. Please." She begged.
Lucas shook his head and firmly ushered her brother back into the hallway. She could hear them talking in whispered tones and couldn't make out what they were saying. This has to be a fucking nightmare. How could he do this to her? She loved him, was always loyal to him. Fuck!
Chapter 3
Shutting the door behind him, Lucas came back in the room. The dark predator bore down on her, a wicked hunger in his dark blue eyes.
ur brother negotiated an extra million out of me by ensuring you're a virgin. That was a surprise bonus, and I was content to pay the extra money."
His eyes swept over her body, making her feel hot from head to toe and fear gripped her not knowing what he was going to do to her.
"If you knew me, Reagan, you'd know that there are two things at which I excel. Two very important things that drive me. Business and sex. This deal allows me to satisfy both cravings at once." He said with a devilish grin.
Ferris climbed onto the bed next to her, laying his hand on her stomach, lightly tracing circles around her belly button. "I'm not going to hurt you, but I will most definitely have you, Reagan. Whether you like it or not. Nothing you say will stop me. Nothing you do will change the fact that I'm going to fuck you. Very soon...and very hard."