Page 78 of Muffin Top
“So wet.” Her hand started to move faster and faster under her red panties. “So ready.” Her eyes drooped shut as she let the back of her head fall against the passenger door window. “So soft.”
“You’re killing me.” And she was. The image of her playing with herself in the front seat of his car, her shirt hanging open and her tits just begging to be teased and licked, was going to be with him forever.
“Just keep half an eye on the road so you don’t kill the both of us, because I’m almost there.”
He did. Well, maybe a quarter of an eye, because there was no way he could really look away as she came on her fingers fast and hard. It was the best/worst thing he’d ever seen. The best because there was nothing sexier than watching Lucy have an orgasm. The worst because his cock had never been so desperate for attention in his entire life. He was a good driver and an expert at jacking off, but there was no way he could do the two at the same time without killing them both.
“Gotta tell you,” Lucy said, a satisfied grin curling up the sides of her sexy-as-sin mouth. “My second-place fantasy—after the invisible plane—is good, too, but that felt fantastic.”
Her fantasy? She’d claimed his fantasy but still had one of her own? He shouldn’t ask. He wasn’t sure he could live through another show like that one. Yeah, asking was definitely not a good idea—but where was the fun in that?
“What’s your fantasy?” he asked.
Something wicked and way more fun than should be legal flashed in her eyes. “How about I show you?”
Lucy grabbed the seat, needing something to hold onto when the car jerked to the left at her question. There was no missing the hard-on pressing against Frankie’s shorts, and her mouth watered for it.
She knew what he was doing, using sex to soothe her worries. Good thing she didn’t mind, not when it was this much fun.
“Of course, I don’t know that you can handle my fantasy,” she said, scooting a little closer as she slipped the shoulder seatbelt strap down so she would be able to lean over. “You’re already driving pretty erratically.”
“I walk into burning buildings,” he said, the low rumble of his voice making her clench her thighs. “I can take whatever you’ve got.”
“You sure?”
He turned the full power of those sexy-as-hell blue eyes of his on her. “Fuck. Yes.”
“Okay, in my fantasy I’m sitting like this in the passenger seat of your car and my thighs are slick from my orgasm.”
“I like where this is going so far.”
“And I slide my finger like this.” Her finger glided up her toward her core, wetting the tip with her satisfaction. “And let you taste.” She lifted her arm and brought her finger, glistening with her satisfaction, and held it in front of his mouth.
Keeping his hands on the wheel with a grip so tight she was beginning to wonder if there would be indents when he finally let go, he sucked her finger into his mouth.
Holy shoe heaven. Who knew having someone do that could feel so damn good, and why had no one told her before? Her moan of appreciation escaped before she could stop it. Then, she pulled her hand back and dropped it to his leg. She had plans.
“Next in my fantasy, I tell you to hold onto the wheel.”
For once, there wasn’t a smart-ass remark or a flirty rejoinder. Instead, his jaw tightened, and he kept his focus 100 percent on the road as if sneaking even one peek at her right now would send them sailing off the highway into the fields bracketing it.
“Whatever happens,” she said, tracing a direct line up to his zipper, “don’t let go.”
She unzipped his shorts and pulled his hard cock out, which was so much easier in her imagination than in reality. Thank God his legs were miles long and his body set a good distance from the steering wheel. Yeah, there was definitely some awkward scooting and weird angles, but it was totally worth it when she took him into her mouth and he let out a harsh hiss of a curse. She sucked him in and worked her tongue around his girth, lowering until her lips met her hand wrapped around the base. Goaded on by the half-groaned orders to “take him all” and to do it “just like that,” she took him in until he hit the back of her throat—and then she swallowed.
“Damn, Lucy, do that again.”
She did, and then she moved up and down his dick, teasing and tasting him until he said her name in a strained tone that had her sealing her lips around him seconds before he came.
When she sat up again, she noticed the speedometer was down to ten miles an hour. Giggling to herself, she brushed her skirt down and buttoned up her shirt as he got himself squared away. And when the scenery started going by fast enough that she couldn’t pick out individual stalks of whatever the green stuff growing was, she flipped down the visor and got her lipstick from her purse, feeling every bit like a badass who’d just conquered the world.