Page 5 of Ordering His Virgin
I glanced up at her from my seat at my desk and give her a smile that I hoped was reassuring. “I did. I just find it hard to believe that a beautiful girl like you has never been with a man.”
She shook her head, blonde locks shimmering in the light. “I have never been with a man, sir,” Carrie insisted.
“What about girls?” I still wasn’t 100% convinced.
“I’ve never even been kissed, sir,” she said.
Her eyelashes, long and blonde, flittered as she admitted that little detail. It was a tell-tell sign of embarrassment, but I didn’t want her to feel shame at her inexperience. If anything, it made her more attractive — like a flower that had just started to bloom.
“Carrie, would you be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement?”
“Yeah, sure,” she said, a little surprised.
“It’s standard procedure,” I assured her. A confidentiality agreement was a must-have, especially for a billionaire like me, who could easily attract a scandal.
Carrie signed the paper and handed it to me. I took a look at it to confirmed that everything was in order. Then I took out my checkbook and signed off on ten-million dollars as previously agreed and gave the check to her.
I looked into her eyes and saw pure innocence mixed with a little fear and curiosity. She quickly grabbed her check and put it in her purse, almost as if she was hiding it. That made me want to laugh, but I held back, not wanting her to feel any remorse.
Standing, I took Carrie’s hand in mine. Her fingers felt small and cold in my grasp, but she didn’t pull back. That was a good sign. I led her out of the office and closed the door behind us. Earlier, I had told everyone working in the house to take the night off, and I was left with only the on-call guy. We would be entirely alone.
Carrie followed me to the living room, where I had a fire roaring in the fireplace. That and a few candles were all there was for light. The mix of brightness and shadows would add to the mood.
The girl gasped a little at the elegance. Her arm brushed against mine — soft and warm. With that touch, I just couldn’t act like a gentleman any longer. I grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her against the wall.
Her body was soft against mine. Breasts pushing into my chest and lower down, I could feel her belly’ roundness between her hips. It was all uncharted territory, and it was all mine. I was ready for my prize, and that prize was her.
I pushed back the hair that had covered Carrie’s face and saw fear in her eyes. She was clearly nervous and new to all this. It was clear that she hadn’t had any foreplay before, but at the same time, she did look a little curious. I took a step back because I didn’t want to terrify her any further.
It was perfectly normal for any woman to get a little scared especially being alone with a man in his house for the first time. Rich men especially had nasty reputations. I knew I had to find a way to calm her down.
I held Carrie’s hand, kissed her palm, and looked straight into her eyes. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of people.”
She looked away, blushing. “That can’t be true,” she said, doubting herself. “I know I’m not…”
I kissed her, stopping her from talking nonsense about herself. What did she mean she wasn’t beautiful? She was one of the most gorgeous women I had ever come across. I wasn’t lying to her about that. And I just wanted to show her how beautiful I thought she was.
Her lips were so soft and warm. Carrie resisted my kiss a little, probably because she had no idea what she was doing. Still, she was a quick learner and kissed me back in no time. Her lips tasted fresh, and I could tell that this was her very first kiss. Everything about this innocent girl intrigued me. My dick was getting harder with every passing second; I needed to possess her soon.
“This,” I said, reaching down and holding my straining cock. “This is happening because I’m very attracted to you.” I’d never had to explain a hard-on before, but I was somehow even more excited now. I took Carrie’s hand and placed it on my stiff cock to show her what I meant.
She held my cock shyly and looked at me with her eyes wide. “Your dick is really hard,” she commented. Desire showed in her eyes as she kept her fingers touching me. Her lips parted in a tiny breath of air.
“That’s because I’m excited to be with you.” I leaned in a delicately kissed her shoulder blade. “I want you more than anything.”