Page 20 of The Boy Next Door
“Très bien.” Before I can return the question, he says, “I assume you have submitted an application for the London Contemporary Dance School study program.”
I draw my lower lip between my teeth and shake my head as embarrassment stains my cheeks. “No, I didn’t.” When he mentioned the highly sought-after program a few months ago, I’d kicked around the idea but never bothered to apply. I’d been drunk on my relationship with Colton, and the idea of leaving Wesley—and him—for an entire year hadn’t even been a consideration. I’m ashamed to admit that I’d prioritized him above dance. Considering how we ended, that had been an epic mistake on my part.
Especially since all I’d been was unicorn pussy.
My fingernails bite into my palms as I straighten my shoulders.
His perfectly sculpted brows pinch together. “Why not?”
There’s no way I can reveal the truth. The man would probably mutter in French before banishing me from the program altogether. “I didn’t think I stood much of a chance against the competition.” It’s not a lie.
“The deadline is next week,” he clips out with a glare that makes me feel three inches tall, “submit your application.”
Properly chastised, I bob my head. “Yes, Monsieur.”
When he remains silent, I scurry back to my spot on the floor. My heart pounds a steady tempo as I give serious consideration to the program in London.
Do I really have anything to lose by throwing my hat into the ring?
Not really. The odds of making it through the selection process are minuscule, and it’ll give me something other than the obvious to focus on.
So...I guess in that regard, it’s a win-win.
Chapter Ten
One month later...
The muscles of my belly contract as I click on the email and skim over the first line. I’d mentally prepared myself for a—we regret to inform you...blah, blah, blah.
Instead, it reads—Congratulations! You have been selected...
I blink and scrutinize the first line for a second time, but the words remain the same. It still says congratulations.
Holy shit! How did this happen? I didn’t think I had a snowball’s chance in hell of being selected to attend LCDS. There were only a handful of spots, and the competition was killer. Without Monsieur Dupre practically forcing me to apply, I wouldn’t have bothered. A potent concoction of excitement and fear bubble up inside me. As those thoughts swirl through my head, the dorm room door swings open, and Mia steps inside.
Her lips lift into a smile when she spots me at the desk near the window. “Hey! I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
“The professor cut our class short,” I tell her. “I just walked in ten minutes ago.”
With a huff of breath, she tosses her bag onto the bed before pulling off her jacket. “It’s freezing out there.” Her cheeks have pinkened from the walk across campus.
“Yeah,” I agree, gaze flicking to the window and the thin blanket of snow that covers the ground, “it is.” As far as I’m concerned, spring can’t come soon enough.
Mia drops onto the bed next to her bag before pulling out her phone. “I’m glad your here. I found a few more apartments for us to check out. I know it’s early, but we should try to find something before all the good ones get snatched up.”
Mia and I have discussed living off-campus since we were freshmen. We’ve already looked into a few places, but they were located further away from the university than convenient. It has to be within walking distance since parking on campus is a nightmare.
My gaze darts to the laptop screen. Only now do I realize that I haven’t mentioned the LCDS exchange program to her.
I mean, why would I?
I’d assumed nothing would come of it. I’ve been accepted. And I’m supposed to leave in July. That’s less than four months away. My belly drops to the bottom of my toes. It’s like I’m sitting at the tippy top of a roller coaster, waiting to take that first plunge. Unconsciously, my hand settles over my lower abdomen.
There’s no way I can turn down such an amazing opportunity to dance. Honestly, this couldn’t have happened at a better time. Escaping from Wesley for the year is exactly what I need to get my head on straight and stop thinking about Colton. I can finally purge him from my system once and for all. There’s got to be a few hot guys in London who can help with that, right?
Excitement bursts inside me like a bubble.
My gaze settles on Mia again, and some of my enthusiasm recedes.
How am I going to break the news to her? I feel like a real jerk for baling. We’ve had these plans for years. But...I can’t stay here. For my own mental health, I need to get away from Colton.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” I blurt, unable to hold the news in any longer.