Page 22 of The Boy Next Door
A couple of minutes tick by, and there’s no sign of Beck. His truck is parked in the drive, and there are lights on inside the house, so I know damn well he’s here. We’ve got plans tonight, and I’m impatient to get to them. We’re supposed to meet up with a couple of chicks from high school. I fire off another text.
Let’s move!
When there’s nothing but stereo silence from his end, I slam out of the vehicle and stalk up the wide stairs to the massive front door before rapping my knuckles against the mahogany.
No answer.
I ring the bell and listen as it echoes throughout the house.
This is seriously ridiculous.
I peek in the side window but don’t see any signs of life. My fingers go to the ornate handle and wiggle it, but it doesn’t budge. Beck’s parents are out of town for a couple of weeks, traveling somewhere in Europe.
Honestly, it would serve him right if I took off and left his ass sitting home. I would have zero problems entertaining the girls on my own. Wouldn’t be the first time. Won’t be the last.
As soon as an image of Alyssa pops into my head, I shove it away and curse under my breath. The girls are supposed to help me forget, not remind me of her.
It’s totally messed up.
I glance around the darkened front yard before stalking around the side of the house. For all I know, he’s hanging out by the pool. The guy’s got a pretty sweet setup out back. As I step through the black iron gate, a splash of water catches my attention. No wonder Beck didn’t respond to the texts. I open my mouth to tell him to get moving when I realize he’s not alone.
He’s got company of the female persuasion.
Looks like someone started the party without me.
Since the couple in the pool are going at it pretty hot and heavy, they don’t notice me stalk closer. Close enough to get a good look at who he’s making out with.
Well, well, well...isn’t this an interesting turn of events.
Since I’ll be damned if Beck is the only one who gets a little action this evening, I say obnoxiously, “Dude, I thought we had plans.”
They splinter apart before Mia Stanbury blinks, looking all sorts of dazed and confused. I can’t help the shit-eating grin that slides across my face. Not in a million years did I ever think I’d see the day that she willingly allowed Beck to lay hands, not to mention lips, on her.
The emotion that tumbles across her expression when she realizes she’s been sucking face with her archnemesis—and that I’m here to witness it—is almost comical.
At least, I’m entertained by it.
“Why, hello there, Mia,” I say, humor simmering in my voice, “can’t say I expected to find you here.”
When I was with Alyssa, I couldn’t get the dark-haired girl to join us if she thought there was a remote possibility that Beck would make an appearance, and now look at her...
I’m a huge fan of irony. And this situation is chock-full of it.
Beck keeps his arms locked around her. Clearly, he’s not in any hurry to let go.
“Colton,” she mutters through stiff lips. Even with only the pool lights for illumination, hot color blooms in her cheeks. Any moment she’ll burst into flames.
I stuff my hands in the pockets of my shorts and rock back on my heels as if I’ve got all the time in the world to stand around and shoot the shit with them. “So, what have you crazy kids been up to?”
As if I don’t know...
I didn’t think it was possible for her face to grow any rosier, but that’s exactly what happens.
“Wait in the car,” Beck snaps, “I’ll be out in ten.”
I have no idea what prompts me to say it, but the question shoots out of my mouth before I can stop it. “You gonna come out with us, Mia?” I pause for a beat. “I doubt the chicks we’re supposed to hookup with tonight will appreciate that, but, oh well.” I shrug. “Sucks for them.”
Her eyes widen as she slaps her hands against Beck’s chest, attempting to escape from his embrace. Fury flashes across his face as he levels a steely-edged stare at me.
Fine, I’ll admit that it was a dick move.
“Dude,” Beck growls, clearly pissed that I just dropped a bomb, “get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass.”
I hold up my palms in a gesture of surrender. “Whatever. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” Now that my work is done here, I swing away and head for the car. I can’t resist calling over my shoulder as I pass through the gate, “You got ten. Wrap this shit up, and let’s go.”
Not waiting for a response, I stalk to the front of the stone mansion. He gets fifteen minutes, and then I’m out of here. Anger simmers in my veins as I slide onto the butter-soft leather. I’m not oblivious. I know Beck has been carrying a torch for Mia. I’m also well aware that he’ll make good on his threat to give me a beat down for jacking up his night once he gets out here. There’s a part of me that’s spoiling for a fight.