Page 38 of The Boy Next Door
“Colton Davidson Montgomery!” She pounds on my back, trying her damnedest to inflict as much damage as possible with her fists. “Put me down this instant, or I’ll scream my head off!”
Thankfully, the club is dark, and the music is still pumping around us. Other than a few drunken glances speared in our direction, no one pays us much attention as I stride toward the door.
Which is for the best. This would be a difficult situation to explain.
The second I hit the paved lot, I beeline toward my BMW parked half a dozen rows away.
“Goddamn it! You have no right to kidnap me!” Even though she continues to pound her fists against my back, she’s not inflicting any real injury. Hell, the hits I take in practice are worse than this.
When she wiggles against my shoulder, nearly falling off, I smack her ass with the flat of my hand. “Stay still before you get hurt.”
“Ow!” She sucks in a sharp, disbelieving breath. “You son of a bitch!”
“Then stop fighting me. All I’m trying to do is make sure you get home safely.”
“Ironically, you’re the one causing me pain!” There’s a beat of silence before she growls, “You do realize that you just accosted me, right?”
With one hand holding her firmly in place, I reach into the front pocket of my jeans and grab my keys before hitting the button on the fob.
Now comes the tricky part—how to maneuver Alyssa into the vehicle without her fighting me and possibly getting hurt. I yank open the door and lower myself down until her heels scrape against the pavement. With my breath wedged in my lungs, I release her before straightening to my full height. My gaze stays locked on her. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she attempted to run—even in those heels—or sucker punched me in the face.
A gentle breeze slides through the riotous tangle of her blond hair, blowing it around her shoulders as a wild light fills her eyes. I can’t help but think that she’s gorgeous in her towering rage. Even though it’s totally perverse, my cock stiffens to half-mast.
The slinky silver dress clings to every slender curve. Barely does it hit mid-thigh. I’m sure if she bent over, I’d catch a glimpse of her panties.
And she better damn well be wearing panties.
“How dare you!” she growls. The words are low and menacing as her body shakes with barely contained fury. “You have no right to pick me up and cart me out of a club like a sack of potatoes.” Her gaze arrows to the two-story brick building across the parking lot.
Her face is so easy to read.
“Don’t even think about it,” I tell her. “You won’t get far.” There’s a pause as I tilt my head. “Unless you’re looking for me to lay my hands on you again.”
She gnashes her teeth before baring them like a rabid animal. “I hate you!”
All of the sexual tension simmering in the air between us dissipates. “I know, Lys. There’s nothing else for me to say other than I’m sorry.”
Wetness pricks her eyes. Instead of allowing the tears to fall, they pool in her blue depths, shimmering like crystals in the darkness.
That’s all it takes for my heart to crack wide open.
“I don’t give a fuck about your apologies,” she snaps. “You can shove them right up your ass for all I care.” As she takes a hasty step in retreat, her heel hits a crack in the asphalt, and her eyes flare wide as she falters.
When her arms pinwheel, I spring forward, wrapping my fingers around her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. “Are you all right?”
“No.” Before I can ask what’s wrong, she whispers, “Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?”
My throat closes up until it feels like I can’t breathe.
When I remain silent, she continues, “Any at all?”
The pain that seeps into her vivid blue depths is enough to kill me. “Yeah, I do. I wish it were possible to go back in time and change everything about the way we ended.” The truth is that I wish I hadn’t ended it at all.
“That’s not possible. You can’t rewrite history. You can only put the past to rest and move forward. That’s exactly what I’ve done.”
“I don’t believe you.” More like I don’t want to believe her. “I think you still want me.”
My gaze drops to her mouth. Those pouty lips that were made for all kinds of sin. I miss kissing them. I miss them wrapped around my cock as she stared adoringly up from her knees. Even dredging up the memories makes me throb with arousal.
It’s as if she can sense the thoughts running rampant through my head. “Don’t.”
Her tongue darts out to smudge her lips. Everything in me tightens as I lower my face to hers. We’re so close that I can feel her warm breath drift over me. It only drives the fierce need I’ve always had for her.