Page 56 of The Boy Next Door
How can I put Colton in my rearview mirror and move on with my life when he’s doing everything possible to drag me back in again? This would be so much easier if he was the same jackass who broke up with me through text. He’s trying to chip away at the walls I’ve erected, and if I’m not careful, he’ll smash right through them.
By the time I finish my chicken parmesan and set down my fork, I’m a jittery mess and sliding headfirst into a food coma. I need to get out of here before my resolve softens.
“Thanks for dinner.” I wave a hand toward the table and my demolished plate. “This was amazing.” Who knew that Colton Montgomery actually had mad culinary skills? If the word got out, he’d be even more of a hot commodity than he already is.
“Thank you for agreeing to come over.”
I jerk my head into a nod and rise from my chair. “I, ah, should—”
Go before anything regrettable happens.
“Wait, I have dessert.” With stealth-like grace, he pops to his feet. One step is all it takes to close the distance between us.
I shake my head, tempted to make a mad dash for the door. “I couldn’t possibly eat anything more. I’m stuffed.”
“Fair enough.” His fingers swallow mine up as he takes my hand. “How about we watch a movie, and then we can have dessert in a little bit?”
No way. That’s a terrible idea.
He sweetens the deal by adding, “I’ll even let you pick out the movie.”
Say what now?
I hate to admit just how tempting the offer is. When we were together, I had to practically force Colton to sit through a rom-com or anything sappy.
With narrowed eyes, I can’t resist testing the waters. “Amy Schumer has a new comedy out.”
His jaw ticks as he sucks in a sharp breath before steadily releasing it back into the world. “Amy Schumer?”
My lips tremble at the corners. “That’s right. I remember how much you enjoy her as an actress.”
Even though he remains silent, I can tell that he’s tempted to argue the point. With any luck, he’ll turn me down flat, and I can scamper back to my place.
“Okay,” he says with a shrug. “We’ll watch it.”
Well, damn.
I glance at the couch and realize I’ve made a tactical error in judgment. Unfortunately, it’s much too late to back out now. Plus, I’ve really wanted to watch this movie and haven’t had the time. School and dance have kept me busy, which is good. Less time to dwell on Colton. I almost wince at that unchecked thought as it pops into my head.
Reluctantly, I grab my bottle of water and beeline to the overstuffed chair in the corner, while Colton runs the plates to the kitchen. This seems like the safest option. I’ll be an island onto myself. As I nestle into the chair, I’m actually feeling fairly proud of my strategic maneuvering. I’ve beaten him at his own game, and I get to watch a movie I’m interested in. Seems like a win-win to me. I keep my face carefully blank as he saunters into the living room. He’ll be forced to sit on the couch all by his lonesome. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting that.
I’m tempted to crow—checkmate but keep my giddiness contained.
Instead of heading to the couch like I expect, Colton stops in front of me. I’m about to ask what he’s doing when he leans down, slides his arms around my body, and scoops me up in one smooth movement. A yelp of surprise escapes from me as he settles on the chair before repositioning me so that I’m snuggled against him.
This is definitely not what I had in mind.
“Good choice.” Humor simmers in his deep voice as he grabs the remote off of the small table beside him. Unsure what to do, I remain stiff as he cues up the movie.
And here I’d thought I had outwitted him. Turns out he’s the one who outmaneuvered me.
“Relax,” he whispers as the opening credits flash across the screen.
That’s easier said than done.
How can I loosen up when his hard body is stretched out beneath mine?
Even though I keep my gaze trained on the television and attempt to focus on the movie, it’s impossible. Unable to sit still, I squirm until his hands settle on my shoulders, gently pulling me toward his chest. His legs are stretched out in front of him as mine hang off the side of the chair. The position is entirely too comfortable and, after a while, my muscles turn slack as my head nestles against the hollow of his neck. The woodsy scent of his cologne inundates my senses, lulling me into a strangely contented state.
A sigh of contentment escapes from me as Colton absently strokes his fingers through my hair. Only now do I realize how much I’ve missed these quiet moments. There were a ton of parties, but it was the nights we spent shuttered away from everyone that were my favorite because I had Colton all to myself. It wasn’t necessary for me to share him with his teammates, friends, or other girls. He was all mine.