Page 8 of The Boy Next Door
When I finally lift my mouth, we’re both breathing hard.
A dazed expression fills her face. “I don’t under—”
“Go out with me.”
Every bit of haziness disappears as her eyes widen. I have to admit that the words shock the hell out of me as well. I stiffen and wait for the panic to crash over me. Instead, I’m flooded with relief.
“You want to go on” The question is forced out as if every syllable is foreign to her tongue.
Again, I steel myself for an avalanche of panic to bury me alive. When that doesn’t occur, I release a breath as the corners of my lips bow up. “Yup, I do.”
Her brows draw together as she carefully searches my eyes. “You don’t date.” There’s a pause before she tacks on in a steely voice, “You fuck around.”
Guilty. That’s what I’ve always done. Although, not for the reasons she assumes. I’ve spent years running away from the one girl I’ve always longed for, and I can’t do it any longer. Only now do I realize that she might not give me a chance. I’ve lived the life of a manwhore, screwing whatever girl I wanted in an attempt to forget the one in my arms. It didn’t work. And I can’t bear the thought of her with anyone else.
For all I know, she’s over it.
Over me.
It’s a frightening thought.
I press closer before ghosting my mouth over hers. The way her breathing hitches, and her lips part, tells me that she wants me.
Wants this.
Instead of giving us what we both crave, I whisper, “Let me take you out.”
Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as indecision flickers across her face. I loosen my grip on her shoulders before my fingertips drift along her bare arms. Once they arrive at her hands, I interlock our fingers together.
“Give me a chance.”
She whimpers as I bury my face against the side of her throat, licking and nipping at her flesh. I’m so tired of fighting this deep-seated need I have for her.
“Okay.” The word falls from her lips in a breathy little sigh.
It takes everything I have to beat back the beast inside and not take her right here in the library. I want to brand Alyssa as mine. I want every guy on this campus to know that she belongs to me.
“Good.” My lips curve. “Now get rid of Daniels.”
Chapter Five
October of sophomore year...
Mia and I push our way through the crowded student section at the stadium, searching for a place to park our butts. It’s game day, and I’m here to root on my man. Even though it’s mid-October, the temperature is still seasonable, and I’m able to wear Colton’s red and black jersey over a turtleneck. He gave it to me a couple of weeks ago. It’s a huge deal. Only girlfriends get to wear players’ jerseys to the games or around campus. After he left my dorm room, I screamed at the top of my lungs.
All the while wearing his jersey, of course.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that this isn’t a dream I’ll wake from. It’s my reality. I’m dating Colton Montgomery. Every time I think about it, a little bubble of joy explodes inside me.
This relationship has come out of nowhere and taken me completely by surprise. Sure, I’d always hoped something would happen between us, but did I really think it would? No way in hell. How could I when Colton went to such great lengths to avoid me? First in high school, then at college. If we were paired up together for a class project, he found a way out. If I arrived at a party, he slipped out the backdoor. If he spotted me on campus, he’d take off in the opposite direction.
It might have taken a while, but I can take a hint. Just when I’d decided to put Colton Montgomery behind me and move on with my life, he came out of nowhere and swept me off my feet.
Honestly, I’m still in a state of shock. Colton can have any girl he wants. And he has. But he’s never been one to get serious. He likes to play the field.
And we are.
Trust me when I say that I’m taking it slow. It’s all about baby steps with this guy. Even though Colton came after me, he’s like a skittish animal I need to approach with both caution and patience. So far, I’ve let him set the pace, and that seems to be working. I’m taking it day by day and letting our relationship unfold naturally. If I get too serious, too quick, he’ll bolt. I can see it in his eyes.
“You’re getting an awful lot of looks,” Mia murmurs from beside me. “I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these bitches shanks you in the bathroom just to wrestle that jersey from your cold dead body.”