Page 92 of The Boy Next Door
All I can hope is that it continues and that Coach has taken notice. So far, he hasn’t said mum about it. He’s been watching from the sidelines and jotting down notes. It’s enough to set my nerves on edge, but I try not to let the pressure get to me.
Which hasn’t been easy. Especially with everything that happened with Candace. I was afraid that it would mess with my head even more than before, but strangely enough, it’s had the opposite effect. Don’t get me wrong, what she said hurts like a mother fucker but...
I can’t allow someone who doesn’t give a damn about me to totally screw with my life. I’ve given this person way too much power, and now I’m wrestling it back. It’s taken me a couple of days to come to that epiphany, but now that I have, there’s peace to be found in the decision to walk away.
Some relationships just aren’t viable, no matter how much you wish otherwise. And when it happens to be with your own parent, it’s gut-wrenching. Afterall, in a perfect world, these are the people who are supposed to love you no matter what. Who have your back when no one else does. Who you can depend on when life goes sideways. They aren’t supposed to be the ones who bring the messed-up shit that turns your life upside-down and inside-out.
But that’s the way it goes, right?
No one ever said life was fair.
It only makes me realize how lucky I am to have Dad and Jenna.
Especially Jenna.
I appreciate her now more than ever.
As soon as Coach walks into the locker room, the boisterous voices fall silent. None of these loudmouths want to draw attention to themselves. He grinds to a halt in the middle of the space and snaps out a couple of names. “Reinholtz, Collins, and Montgomery. See me on your way out.”
I give him a chin lift in acknowledgment as he stalks into his office, slamming the door behind him with a resounding thud.
Well, fuck me.
I’m not sure if I’m about to get my ass chewed out or not. I’m still a little sore from the last time he lit into me. Coach isn’t the kind of guy to pussyfoot around a subject or hold back. If he thinks you’re screwing up, you better believe he’s going to give it to you straight.
In full, Technicolor detail.
And here I’d been feeling relaxed and good about myself after walking off the turf. Instead of hanging around and shooting the shit with Beck, like I’d normally do, I strip and haul ass to the shower. I want to be the first one in Coach’s office and get this over with.
Ten minutes later, with dripping wet hair, I knock on the closed door before peeking cautiously inside. “Hey, Coach, you wanted to see me?”
He pauses the action playing out across the television screen and swivels around to face me before pointing a finger at the chair on the opposite side of the desk. “Park it, Montgomery.”
It doesn’t matter if this is my fourth and final year playing for this guy, every time I’m called in here, it makes me feel like an errant eight-year-old sent to the principal’s office. It’s ridiculous. That being said, I do what I’m told and drop my ass on the faux leather chair as the older man scrutinizes his clipboard of notes.
Paper and pencil, if I’m not mistaken.
Coach is old school like that.
“Seems like whatever shit needed to get flushed out of your head has happened.”
It’s not a question—more of a statement.
I sit up a little straighter. “Yes, sir.”
“As long as you continue to play like you are, I’m moving you to first string.” He sits back in his chair and gives me a well-honed death stare. I can’t help but squirm under the intensity of it. “Kwiatkowski is a talented player, but he doesn’t have your intuitiveness out on the field.”
“Thank you.” This is the closest Coach has ever come to giving me a compliment.
See? It’s like I secretly suspected all along. Beneath the hard candy shell lies a soft nougat filling. You just have to take the time to dig deep and find it.
“That being said, you manage to get your head wedged up your ass again, you’ll be riding the pine for the season. Are we clear?”
“Good.” He points to the door. “Now get the hell out of here. I’ve got game film to review.”
He doesn’t need to tell me twice. I practically jump from the chair and shoot through the door as a wave of relief crashes over me. Most of the guys are still getting dressed. Collins and Reinholtz eye me with speculation, looking a little green around the gills. Can’t blame them for that.
As soon as I return to my locker, Beck raises a brow. An answering grin breaks loose across my face.