Page 27 of Small Town Girl (Pink Springs 1)
“What’s happening? I thought this place was your dream.”
He holds me close and sighs. “That’s the thing. At the end of the day, a job that doesn’t fulfill me shouldn't be a dream. Besides, I’m tired of their good old boys ways and I’m not saving their asses. I’m going to watch them burn with everyone else. It’s what they deserve.”
I grab his tie and pull him down. “You really are one of the good ones. My brothers swore there weren't any left in the city.” I kiss him, and he smiles against my lips.
“I think we need to take a trip out there.”
“You’re ready to meet the whole family?”
“Bunny.” His hands tangle in my hair. “You’re it for me. Babies, marriage, and all the things in between.” My insides melt because I want all of those things.
“You don’t think it’s too fast?”
“Do you want me to slow down?” He gives me a cocky grin.
“No!” I say it a little too loudly.
“Good, because I’m not. When you know, you just know. I feel it in my heart, Lux.”
I know what he means, because that’s what I feel for him. It’s a love that’s so different than anything I’ve ever felt. He’s the other half of my soul, and the two of us are forever.
“I do.” I smile up at him.
I love you, Lux,” he says, and my eyes fill with tears.
“I love you too.” When he kisses me, it’s claiming, and my body warms all over.
I knew something in the city was calling me and my destiny was out there waiting. Now that I’m here and I’m in Bastian’s arms, he’s mine and I’m his.
A few months later…
“It’s going to be fine, Bunny.” Bastian reaches out and puts his hand on my thigh so that I stop bouncing my foot. “And stop chewing on your lip. That’s my job.” I release it from my teeth and sigh.
“I just want them to like you,” I admit. I’ve been putting this off for too long, and not only that, but before we left this morning, I’d gotten a little sick. Bastian rushed out to the pharmacy and thirty minutes later we found out I’m pregnant. Now we’re doing this no matter what. I’m just nervous.
“They’re your brothers, they're supposed to hate me at first. Then I’ll grow on them over time once they learn to trust me and see how I take care of you. That’s what it’s really about. They’ll always question me until I’ve proven that I’m good enough for you. And as frustrating as that might be for you, I respect it. I also have no problem doing it, if that’s what it takes.”
“You always say the most perfect things to make me melt.” I take his hand on my lap and thread his fingers with mine. “I suppose they’re going to have to get on board quickly with us staying there for the weekend.”
“Have you ever had a man in your room, baby?”
“A man?” I smirk over at him, prepared to poke a little. “Maybe a bo—” I let out a small scream when he grabs my thigh in a tight hold. I don’t know if it tickles or hurts, but I’m laughing so it must not be too bad.
“You were saying?”
“No.” I reach over and smack his chest. “My brother is a former Navy SEAL and is currently the sheriff of Pink Springs. No man or boys in town would even look at me. Some cross the road so fast when they see me coming, you’d think I have leprosy.”
“If I forget to tell you later, I really love your brothers.” I try and glare at him, but my laughter wins.
When we turn onto the long driveway to my childhood home, I sit up a little straighter. The first thing I see in the distance is Juno leaning up against her Jeep and waiting for us.
“Is her hair blue?” I whisper loudly.
“Looks like it,” Bastian answers.
The two of them have met a handful of times when Juno came to the city for a visit. I was relieved that they got along so well and it meant the world to me because they’re both such a big part of my life. Although Juno has been to see me, I haven’t come home since I moved out. The drive really isn’t that far, but I’ve been reluctant to face my brothers. Well, Cooper specifically.
When Bastian brings the car to a stop, I jump out and run toward Juno. She engulfs me in a giant hug, and I whisper in her ear.
“I can’t believe your hair is blue and I’m pregnant.” She lets out a small scream, and I lean back to look at her. Out of the two of us, Juno has always been the wild one, even though she looks like the girl next door.